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Hazard Communication Retraining. Types of chemicals v Different states that chemicals can be in: SolidsSolids LiquidsLiquids GasesGases 1a.

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Presentation on theme: "Hazard Communication Retraining. Types of chemicals v Different states that chemicals can be in: SolidsSolids LiquidsLiquids GasesGases 1a."— Presentation transcript:

1 Hazard Communication Retraining

2 Types of chemicals v Different states that chemicals can be in: SolidsSolids LiquidsLiquids GasesGases 1a

3 Types of chemicals v Major hazards associated with chemicals Physical hazardsPhysical hazards Health hazardsHealth hazards 1b

4 Terminology v Chemical terminology pertinent to the operations v Toxicity standards 2a

5 Material safety data sheets v Purpose of MSDSs v Locations of MSDSs v How MSDSs can be accessed 3a

6 Personal protective equipment v Major categories Head protectionHead protection Eye and face protectionEye and face protection Respiratory protectionRespiratory protection Hand protectionHand protection Foot protectionFoot protection 4a

7 Personal protective equipment v Know where safety equipment supplies are kept v Understand how to use PPE v Understand the benefits and limitations of PPE 4b

8 First aid and emergency procedures v Activate during contamination, spills, overexposure events v Contents of first aid kits v Proper use and location of first aid kits 5a

9 First aid and emergency procedures v Written procedures for sudden and unusual incidents: Chemical spills onto clothing or skinChemical spills onto clothing or skin Work area contaminationWork area contamination Air contaminationAir contamination 5b

10 Labeling v Know what information can be found on labels, placards, posters 6a

11 v Understand warning systems for chemical containers NFPANFPA HMISHMIS Labeling 6b

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