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The Process of Communication Level 3 (Project Plan) by Chernay Harley.

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Presentation on theme: "The Process of Communication Level 3 (Project Plan) by Chernay Harley."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Process of Communication Level 3 (Project Plan) by Chernay Harley

2 ELEMENTS OF COMMUNICAITON Receiver Rx Message Sender Tx

3 Unit Summary In this unit students will view and role play various forms of communication scenarios to demonstrate and learn the what the process of communication is, what are the elements and barriers of communication.They will also design a poster which illustrates the process of communication.

4 CFQ’S Essential Question: How does communication work? Unit Question: What hinders communication? Content Question: What is Communication? a)Describe the process of communication. b)Describe the various channels of communication. c)List and explain the different communication barriers.

5 Vision for Unit In this unit I want students to utilize ICT to comprehend the process of communication. They will view clips demonstrating various forms of communication and also access a Wiki which will provide a quiz/worksheet for assessment of their knowledge of communication terminology and also examples of what their posters should look like. They will also use a blog site to comment on their progress and understanding of the content.

6 21 st Century Learning Students will develop higher-order and 21 st century skills in this unit as they: Articulate thoughts and ideas clearly and effectively through speaking by means of role play. Demonstrate ability to work effectively with diverse teams as they plan and peer assess their role plays and design their posters. Understand how media messages are constructed, for what purposes and using which tools, characteristics and conventions. Use digital technology, communication tools and/or networks appropriately to access, manage, integrate, evaluate, and create information in order to function in a knowledge economy

7 Gauging Student Needs Assessments Use CFQs to learn Students’ ideas of what communication is and how it works. Assess 21st Century skills Ability to see common elements of communication within a variety of scenarios. Ability to identify various terms in communication.

8 The End

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