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 “John, whose surname was Mark” (Acts 12:12, 25). › Colossians 4:10; Acts 13:45, 13; 15:39; 2 Timothy 4:11  Composed in A.D. mid-60’s  To a Gentile.

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Presentation on theme: " “John, whose surname was Mark” (Acts 12:12, 25). › Colossians 4:10; Acts 13:45, 13; 15:39; 2 Timothy 4:11  Composed in A.D. mid-60’s  To a Gentile."— Presentation transcript:




4  “John, whose surname was Mark” (Acts 12:12, 25). › Colossians 4:10; Acts 13:45, 13; 15:39; 2 Timothy 4:11  Composed in A.D. mid-60’s  To a Gentile readership › Originated in Rome to assure Roman brethren of the deity of Jesus Christ

5  The narrative tells how Jesus ministered to others as hostility steadily increased. › “immediately” – “straightway”  This inspired record is thematic. › Identity of Christ, opposition to Jesus, sufferings of Christ

6  Mark’s outline: › Preparatory background (1:1-13) › Galilean ministry (1:14 – 8:30) › Transition period from Galilee to Judea (8:31 – 10:52) › Last days in Jerusalem (11:1 – 16:20)

7  John was God’s messenger to turn Israelite hearts to God (1:1-8).  At Jesus’ baptism the Father and the Spirit witnessed that He is truly the Son (1:9-11).  Temptation of Jesus by Satan in the solitude of the wilderness (1:12-13).

8  The principal message – good news of the coming kingdom and repentance (1:14-15).  Disciples are called to be “fishers of men” (1:16-20).  Early popularity of Jesus was sparked by His power to do miracles (1:21-45).

9  The way was prepared for the Son to do the Father’s will (Mark 1:1-13).  Jesus began His ministry in Galilee with growing popularity as He demonstrated compassionate power (Mark 1:14-45).


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