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Christopher Whitehead Sixth Form: Approach to the A-level reforms. Huge changes in post-16 education pose the following questions: Three or Four A-levels?

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Presentation on theme: "Christopher Whitehead Sixth Form: Approach to the A-level reforms. Huge changes in post-16 education pose the following questions: Three or Four A-levels?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Christopher Whitehead Sixth Form: Approach to the A-level reforms. Huge changes in post-16 education pose the following questions: Three or Four A-levels? AS entry or not for new, linear exams?

2 AS exam entry summer 2016 Modular courses where AS is compulsory and forms part of the A-level grade New Linear A-levels where AS not compulsory and is superseded by the full A-level grade danceart and design dramabusiness studies Frenchbiology geographychemistry Germancomputer science maths and further mathsEnglish literature physical educationhistory politicsphysics religion, philosophy and ethicspsychology SpanishSociology textiles

3 Students taking three A-levels:  AS entry provides an external benchmark  External AS results must be declared on university applications and will influence offers (+ve or –ve)  AS and A-level courses are deemed co-teachable, however most of them: contain differences in content, question style and exam approach require the study of additional AS material, not examined or accredited in the full A-level require a depth of knowledge and processing skills for the full A-level that can not be covered before the AS exam, meaning topics have to be revisited in year 13

4 Students Currently Taking Four A-levels  Universities must recognise the three A-level pathway; offers focus on grade quality, undermining the value of the fourth AS. A minimum additional 10 hours of guided and independent study a week may mean other grades suffer.  The EPQ and additional enrichment or work skills achievements are often a stronger determinate of offers, than a fourth AS or A-level grade.  Maths and further maths, demonstrating depth of mathematical mastery, is the exception and should be studied with two other subjects to A-level.  We, alongside most schools and colleges, would urge students to consider the value of retaining a fourth A-level as part of their studies.

5 We are adopting an opt-in only policy for AS entry, in those subjects that allow for this, under the following circumstances:  The international students on a one-year course will sit all their subjects at AS-level.  Students wishing to continue studying four AS-levels should take an AS exam in the subject they will drop, or in two subjects if they are undecided. The grade will help determine university offers, so the likely benefits of the grade should be considered.  Students consistently meeting their target grade, whose grades might support their applications and who wish to make a case for the benefits it would offer them.  Some subjects where there is little opportunity for external moderation of internal exams may wish to gain external verification through the AS system for this year only.

6 Our intention is to offer a robust, externally moderated, school based exam this summer as a reliable benchmark of progress in all subjects

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