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Nursing 4604L Kimberly A. Rogers, RN Healthcare for an Aggregate at Risk Males in Pasco County, Florida Coronary Heart Disease Among Males In Pasco County,

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Presentation on theme: "Nursing 4604L Kimberly A. Rogers, RN Healthcare for an Aggregate at Risk Males in Pasco County, Florida Coronary Heart Disease Among Males In Pasco County,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Nursing 4604L Kimberly A. Rogers, RN Healthcare for an Aggregate at Risk Males in Pasco County, Florida Coronary Heart Disease Among Males In Pasco County, Florida

2 Section I: U.S. Disease Statistics Coronary Heart Disease Among Males In Pasco County, Florida

3 U.S. Disease Statistics 25% of all deaths in the U.S. for all ethnic groups are caused by heart disease 600,000 people in the U.S. die each year of heart disease Over ½ of all heart disease deaths in the U.S. annually (385,000) are caused by coronary heart disease There are 935,000 heart attacks each year in the U.S. Coronary heart disease costs the U.S. economy $1.89 billion each year (Centers for Disease Control, 2013) Coronary Heart Disease Among Males In Pasco County, Florida

4 1.Demographic Summary 2.Epidemiological & Statistical Data 3.Health Status 4.Social, Political & Economic Factors 5.Healthy People 2020 Section II: Aggregate At-Risk Males in Pasco County, Florida Coronary Heart Disease Among Males In Pasco County, Florida

5 Pasco County Demographics Summary Males make up just under ½ of the population of Pasco County Pasco County is predominantly white, and non-Hispanic, as whites make up 90% of the population and people who identify themselves as Hispanic are 12% of the Pasco population, versus 22% statewide Pasco County high school diploma attainment is similar to the statewide rate Pasco County has a lower percentage of college degreed individuals than the state of Florida as a whole Coronary Heart Disease Among Males In Pasco County, Florida (U.S. Census Bureau, 2010)

6 Epidemiological & Statistical Data: Pasco County vs. State of Florida Coronary Disease Death Rates (Florida, 2013) Coronary Heart Disease Among Males In Pasco County, Florida Deaths per 100,000 Population Three-year Rolling Average

7 Epidemiological & Statistical Data Summary Hospitalizations and deaths from Coronary Heart Disease have dropped in Pasco County and statewide since the early 1990’s The rate of deaths from Coronary Heart Disease is still higher in Pasco County than the state as a whole for both males and females The rate of deaths from Coronary Heart Disease is higher for men than women, in Pasco County and statewide The health disparity between Pasco County and the state as a whole with regard to Coronary Heart Disease and the disparity between the sexes with regard to prevalence stresses males as an appropriate group to consider when assessing an aggregate at-risk Coronary Heart Disease Among Males In Pasco County, Florida

8 Health Status: Percentage of Adult Males Who Smoke, Pasco County vs. Florida Statewide (, 2013) Coronary Heart Disease Among Males In Pasco County, Florida

9 Health Status: Percentage of Males Who Are Overweight or Obese in Pasco County vs. Florida Statewide (, 2013) Coronary Heart Disease Among Males In Pasco County, Florida

10 Health Status: Percentage of Males Who Had High Cholesterol in Pasco County in vs. Florida Statewide (, 2013) Coronary Heart Disease Among Males In Pasco County, Florida

11 Health Status: Percentage of Males with Hypertension in Pasco County in vs. Florida Statewide (, 2013) Coronary Heart Disease Among Males In Pasco County, Florida

12 Health Status Summary & Analysis Males in Pasco County are more likely to smoke than their peers statewide Males in Pasco County are more likely to be overweight or obese than their peers statewide Males in Pasco County have a lower incidence of high cholesterol than their statewide peers Males in Pasco County are far more likely to have high blood pressure than their statewide counterparts The health status data summarized above all represent known risk factors for coronary artery disease (American Heart Association, 2012) Coronary Heart Disease Among Males In Pasco County, Florida

13 Social, Political & Economic Factors: Median Household Income Pasco County vs. Florida Statewide (, 2013) Coronary Heart Disease Among Males In Pasco County, Florida

14 Social, Political & Economic Factors: Rate of Public Health Spending in Dollars per 100,000 Population, Pasco County vs. Florida (, 2013) Coronary Heart Disease Among Males In Pasco County, Florida

15 Social, Political & Economic Factors Summary The median household income of Pasco residents has been less than the statewide median income for at least 20 years Fewer public health dollars are spent per 100,000 residents in Pasco than the statewide rate Coronary Heart Disease Among Males In Pasco County, Florida

16 Healthy People 2020 Healthy People 2020 Objective HDS-1 is to increase overall cardiovascular health in the U.S. population Objective HDS-2 is to reduce coronary heart disease deaths Baseline is 126.0 coronary heart disease deaths per 100,000 population, which is the 2007 occurrence rate Goal is 100.8 deaths per 100,000 population (20% decrease) Objective HDS-5 is to reduce the proportion of persons with hypertension Baseline is 29.9 percent of adults with hypertension in 2005-2008 Goal is 26.9 percent of adults with hypertension (10% decrease) Coronary Heart Disease Among Males In Pasco County, Florida (, 2012)

17 Healthy People 2020 (continued) Objective HDS-12 is to increase the proportion of adults with high blood pressure who have it under control Baseline is 43.7 of adults aged 18 years and older with high blood pressure who had it under control in 2005-2008 Goal is 61.2 percent of adults with high blood pressure who have it under control (29% increase) Objective TU-1.1 is to reduce cigarette smoking by adults Baseline is 20.6% of adults aged 18 years and older who were current smokers in 2008 Goal is 12.0 % of adults who smoke cigarettes (41.7% decrease) Coronary Heart Disease Among Males In Pasco County, Florida (, 2012)

18 Healthy People 2020 Summary The Healthy People 2020 objectives listed in the previous slides along with many others not listed in this presentation specifically target the risk factors associated with coronary heart disease The Healthy People 2020 objectives dealing with heart disease risk factors are a good guide to the public health education and intervention techniques that should be applied to the At-Risk Aggregate of Pasco County males who are at risk for coronary artery disease Coronary Heart Disease Among Males In Pasco County, Florida (, 2012)

19 1.Problems, Needs, and Risks 2.Intervention Strategies Section III: Action Plan for the At-Risk Aggregate of Males in Pasco County, Florida Coronary Heart Disease Among Males In Pasco County, Florida

20 Problems, Needs, and Risks Males in Pasco County are at risk for Coronary Heart Disease related to uncontrolled hypertension, tobacco use, and overweight and obesity rates that are higher than the rates for the state of Florida as a whole Coronary Heart Disease Among Males In Pasco County, Florida

21 Intervention Strategies Primary Prevention Strategies: The Public Health Nurse will continue to use the Pasco County Health Departments’ Health Education / Health Promotion program already in place The Public Health Nurse will use education guidelines from the American Heart Association regarding risk factors for Coronary Heart Disease The Public Health Nurse will set Goals and Objectives for Pasco County for Coronary Heart Disease risks for the At-Risk Aggregate group based upon the Goals and Objectives of Healthy People 2020 Coronary Heart Disease Among Males In Pasco County, Florida (Florida Department of Health, Pasco County Health Dept., 2011)

22 Section IV: Summary Pasco County, Florida Coronary Heart Disease Among Males In Pasco County, Florida

23 Coronary Heart Disease Among Males In Pasco County, Florida Summary Males are an important population to consider relative to Coronary Heart Disease because of the significant disparity in disease prevalence between males and females Males in Pasco County are an important aggregate at risk for Coronary Heart Disease because of the health disparities relative to their peers throughout the state for various heart attack risk factors

24 Coronary Heart Disease Among Males In Pasco County, Florida Summary (continued) There is a disparity in Pasco County relative to the state of Florida in the area of public health funding In light of the identified disparities, the Public Health Nurse should strive to intervene for the At-Risk Aggregate group by applying public health interventions to the problems of hypertension, tobacco use, and overweight & obesity among males in Pasco County

25 Section V: References Pasco County, Florida Coronary Heart Disease Among Males In Pasco County, Florida

26 Section V: References The American Heart Association / American Stroke Association, 2011-12 Annual Report (2012). Retrieved from Report_UCM_307513_Article.jsp Report_UCM_307513_Article.jsp Centers for Disease Control (2013). Heart Disease Facts. Retrieved from Florida Department of Health. (2013) Retrieved from Coronary Heart Disease Among Males In Pasco County, Florida

27 Section V: References Healthy People 2020 (2012). National Health Objectives. Retrieved from Microsoft Clip Art (2013). Title page cover image. Retrieved from Pasco County Health Department (2011). Retrieved from US Census Bureau (2010). American FactFinder. Retrieved from Coronary Heart Disease Among Males In Pasco County, Florida

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