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Continuous Improvement Why is it necessary and how do you do it ? Richard DeLorenzo.

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Presentation on theme: "Continuous Improvement Why is it necessary and how do you do it ? Richard DeLorenzo."— Presentation transcript:

1 Continuous Improvement Why is it necessary and how do you do it ? Richard DeLorenzo

2 Today’s Goals Understand why we need to continually reifne our orgainzation Be able to self assess our current organization Complete a relevant action plan

3 What are the components of the RISC Model? Shared Vision Leadership Standards-Based Design Continuous Improvement

4 “We asked our staff for their processes.”

5 “We can’t keep up with you guys every year you keep changing what you do and how you do it.” Denali School District

6 National Governors Association/Achieve Summit (February 26, 2005) Prepared Remarks by Bill Gates, Co-chair "When we looked at the millions of students that our high schools are not preparing for higher education—and we looked at the damaging impact that has on their lives—we came to a painful conclusion: America’s high schools are obsolete."

7 Prerequisites Inventory 1.What are you current procedures that you have in place? 2.Where do you need standard operating procedures(SOP)? 3.What is a cycle time (PDSA) and where do you or your organization have them in place? 4.What does it mean to benchmark internally and externally? 5.What does it mean to be world class?


9 Technology STANDARD: Students will operate technology based tools to manage information, solve problems, and express ideas in a responsible manner. KEY ELEMENTS:  Use a computer to enter and retrieve information.  Use technological tools for learning, communication, and productivity.  Manage and maintain technology tools.  Diagnose and solve common technology problems.  Use technology to observe, analyze, interpret, and draw conclusions.  Examine the role of technology in the workplace and explore careers that require the use of technology.  Use ethics when using software and hardware. Level ILevel IILevel IIILevel IVLevel VLevel VI Introduction to the keyboard as students learn the alphabet. Stamp or type letters as students learn the alphabet. Use appropriate software independently and collaboratively to support learning across the curriculum. Learn and use the basic function keys. Type in a short story or description and save it. Create at least 1 page of several classroom multimedia projects. Use appropriate software independently and collaboratively to support learning across the curriculum. Begin to use new keys and 2 handed typing. Type in larger projects with several sentences and begin editing. Create pages for class multimedia projects using variety of media. Work with teacher to locate information on the Internet. Use appropriate software Develop keyboarding skills that are quicker and as accurate as handwriting. Create and publish a product. Create simple multimedia projects which contain hacked ideas. Work with the teacher to access info on the Internet. Use simple programs to record and graph data. Strive for 25 WPM speed and accuracy goal on keyboard. Publish a document using an accepted format. Create multimedia projects linking key ideas through variety of media. Use simple spreadsheet to solve problems. Navigate independently through Internet to locate resources. Proficient at 25 WPM speed and accuracy goal on keyboard. Publish a document that uses info imported from variety of sources. Identify various formats of writing. Create multimedia projects containing 3 media components minimum. Navigate through. Level VIILevel VIIILevel IXLevel XLevel XILevel XII Strive for 30 WPM speed and accuracy goal on keyboard. Publish a document using basic editing software and skills to revise. Create multimedia projects using increasingly sophisticated linking of ideas and media. Locate specific info on Internet and log onto a shared network folder. Proficient at 30 WPM speed and accuracy. Explore uses of technology in the workplace and examine careers that require the use of technology. Demonstrate ethical and legal use of technology. Diagnose and solve common technology problems. Quickly locate info on Internet for use in class projects. Use appropriate software Use appropriate keyboarding skills at all times. Publish a document incorporating appropriate page design and formatting tools. Create a minimum of 3 cross- curricular multimedia projects for public presentation. Create a spreadsheet that allows student to analyze Use appropriate keyboarding at all times. Create a simple WWW page including at least one graphic, text, and link to another Internet site. Access info from various databases for class projects. Begin a personal electronic portfolio for job or university placement. Use appropriate technology to access info and evaluate learning in the academic and vocational areas of interest. Develop a working knowledge of specific technology for interest areas such as programmable calculators, subject specific software and hardware, CAD/CAM Present personal electronic portfolio to public while explaining career and schooling options. Demonstrate competency in technological area of interest by instructing younger students in that area. Complete personal electronic portfolio while


11 RISC School Districts Level 5 Incremental Change Timed System Graded System One leader Traditional Strategic Plan driven by central office Traditional Courses Textbook Driven 2nd Order Change Performance System 24/7 A, B, and try again Shared Leadership Shared Vision with stretch and break goals 21st Standards, instruction, assessments and reporting all aligned Standards Driven (Local, State, National,and International Standards)

12 Using the RISC Self-Assessment tool, first determine where your schools are and what are some strengths and OFIs for Continuous Improvement? Clarify the task Reflect individually Impact on your system Share with your partner



15 CRIS CClarify: the question or topic RReflect: individually IImpact: on you and your system SShare: your thoughts within your group What was one “aha” and what can you take with you to build improve your system?

16 Today’s Goals Understand why we need to continually reifne our orgainzation Be able to self assess our current organization Complete a relevant action plan

17 “The ultimate goal of change is when people see themselves as shareholders with a stake in the success of the system as whole” Michael Fullan

18 “ This system provides a clear road map of what students need to know and do in each content area. Besides mastery of basic skills, the needs of the whole child are considered including character development, career development, service learning, and technology. All the skills we need to be successful in the 21 st century.” Baldrige Acceptance Speech By Nathaniel Moore Chugach School District Student

19 “Making Dreams Come True” Nathaniel Moore Acceptance Speech 2001 Baldrige Award Celebration

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