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07/03/2016 Teaching of Jesus - 6 - Mission Charge 2.

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2 07/03/2016 Teaching of Jesus - 6 - Mission Charge 2

3  Matthew combines material from two places in Mark  The Twelve are already known to Matthew’s readers  The names of the twelve are uncertain  The Twelve form the nucleus of the renewed Israel  They carry on the mission of Jesus 07/03/2016 Teaching of Jesus - 6 - Mission Charge 3

4  Healing (10:1)  Preaching (10:7)  Jesus formed a missional community  Cells in various villages  They lived out the kingdom mission ▪ Life is mission if it is kingdom life ▪ This mission has a limited radius  The 12/ 70 establish new cells 07/03/2016 Teaching of Jesus - 6 - Mission Charge 4

5  The mission in Matthew is exclusively a Jewish mission (10:5-6)  The parallel with the mission of Jesus appears when this two-part structure (10:7-8) is compared with 28:20  The mission proceeds on trust/grace 07/03/2016 Teaching of Jesus - 6 - Mission Charge 5

6 All calls to mission include calls to endurance of persecution. Somehow the modern church expects to be effective and yet still respected by the world 07/03/2016 Teaching of Jesus - 6 - Mission Charge 6

7  They will be treated like Jesus (10:24-25)  They are to live in the fear of God (10:26-31)  All secrets will be revealed  The world can only kill you  God is aware of you death and values you  Confession on earth is the critical thing (10:32-33)  Jesus will divide people (10:34-39) 07/03/2016 Teaching of Jesus - 6 - Mission Charge 7

8  God not only does not forget the missionary, he also does not forget the person receiving the missionary.  The least kindness done to a missionary will be rewarded by God. 07/03/2016 Teaching of Jesus - 6 - Mission Charge 8

9  Luke puts most of his mission charge to the 70  Luke adds that the mission was done in pairs  Luke stresses the urgency of the mission  Luke allows gentile contact  Luke underlines the connection of healing to word  Luke records the results of the mission 07/03/2016 Teaching of Jesus - 6 - Mission Charge 9

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