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Assessment - NAPLAN One form of assessment that a teacher in the modern teaching world must be aware of is the NAPLAN program. The National Assessment.

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Presentation on theme: "Assessment - NAPLAN One form of assessment that a teacher in the modern teaching world must be aware of is the NAPLAN program. The National Assessment."— Presentation transcript:

1 Assessment - NAPLAN One form of assessment that a teacher in the modern teaching world must be aware of is the NAPLAN program. The National Assessment Program Literacy and Numeracy is the national standardised testing that tests students in grades 3,5,7 & 9 in the subjects of Reading, Writing, Language Conventions (Spelling, Grammar and Punctuation) and Numeracy. NAPLAN GOALS The goal of NAPLAN is to: Identify students progress and where they need greater support Identify students progress and where they need greater support Enable students and teachers to discuss achievement and progress with teachers Enable students and teachers to discuss achievement and progress with teachers Identify strengths and weaknesses in teaching programs Identify strengths and weaknesses in teaching programs To enable school systems review programs and support offered to schools To enable school systems review programs and support offered to schools NAPLAN STANDARDS The NAPLAN program has a National Minimum Standard for which the students will be compared against. Each year level through each category of literacy and numeracy a student will be marked between band 1 or band 10 depending on their level and results. The NAPLAN program has a National Minimum Standard for which the students will be compared against. Each year level through each category of literacy and numeracy a student will be marked between band 1 or band 10 depending on their level and results.

2 Assessment – Multiple Measures When assessing a student a modern teacher must use multiple measures of assessment. The reasons for using multiple measures of assessment are: Give each student a chance to be assessed in different methods Give each student a chance to be assessed in different methods Limit the chance of a student memorising information Limit the chance of a student memorising information Help students learn and understand the subject in different formats. Help students learn and understand the subject in different formats. There are many types of multiple measures that can be used some examples are. Tests Tests Performance Assessments Performance Assessments Portfolios Portfolios Journals (McMillan, 2011, p. 15-16) Journals (McMillan, 2011, p. 15-16) Stages of assessment In modern classrooms students are assessed in three different stages Pre assessment - The first stage is completed before instruction takes place Pre assessment - The first stage is completed before instruction takes place Formative assessment - Secondly this stage is completed during the work Formative assessment - Secondly this stage is completed during the work Summative assessment - The final stage of assessment which is completed after the work has been completed (McMillan, 2011, p. 6) Summative assessment - The final stage of assessment which is completed after the work has been completed (McMillan, 2011, p. 6)

3 Motivation "Motivation is a process whereby goal directed activity is instigated and sustained" (Eggen & Kauchak, 2010, p. 284). Student motivation is arguably the most important part of a teacher’s role in today's society. A motivated student is more likely to pay attention and take in the information that a teacher is trying to pass on rather than that of an unmotivated student. There are two main types of motivation, extrinsic motivation and intrinsic motivation. Extrinsic Motivation "Extrinsic Motivation is motivation to engage in an activity as a means to an end" (Eggen & Kauchak, 2010, p. 285). There is many factors that a student who is extrinsically motivated will use. For example these can be such things as: Receiving good grades Receiving good grades Gaining a well paid job Gaining a well paid job Rewards for work Rewards for work Students who are extrinsically motivated will study a subject because they have to so that they can get a good grade or reward. They will not study because they want to learn and understand the information. Intrinsic Motivation "Intrinsic motivation is to be involved in an activity for its own sake" (Eggen & Kauchak, 2010, p. 285). Intrinsic motivation is preferable to extrinsic because of its focus on learning and understanding (Eggen & Kauchak, 2010, p. 285). Methods to achieve intrinsic motivation Present a challenge Promote learners' feeling of autonomy Evoke curiosity Involve creativity and fantasy Teachers aim to have their students intrinsically motivated as they want to learn the subject and will work harder to understand (Eggen & Kauchak, 2010).

4 Promoting student motivation to learn Student motivation stems from a positive classroom environment. Whilst it is important to make sure that the classroom environment is not overstimulating to the students the teacher can create a positive classroom environment by: Placing books, art materials, students’ work around the classroom Placing books, art materials, students’ work around the classroom Being enthusiastic in the lesson Being enthusiastic in the lesson Using humour in the lesson (Whitton, 2009, p. 180-184) Using humour in the lesson (Whitton, 2009, p. 180-184) A teacher must be motivated in their work and the subject they are teaching. They cannot expect a student to be motivated if they themselves are not. Modern teachers will encourage students to take responsibilities for their work. They will have the students set goals and aim to adhere to these. The aim of a students personal goal is to close the gap between what has been achieved so far and what can be achieved in the future. (Department of Education and Early Childhood Development, 2009). Such goals should be: Challenging yet realistic (Eggen & Kauchak, 2010, p. 185) Personally important to the student (Department of Education and Early Childhood Development, 2009) Include a specific plan of action Teachers need to ensure that students are involved in the lesson. They can do this by Relating the work to everyday situations Personalising work - for example teaching measurement using each students height Using student input into class procedures (Eggen & Kauchak, 2010, p. 321-343)

5 References ACARA (2010). Retrieved from ACARA (2010). Retrieved from ACARA (2010). Retrieved from ACARA (2010). Retrieved from ACARA (2010). Retrieved from ACARA (2010). Retrieved from Department of Education and Early Childhood Development (2009). Retrieved from Department of Education and Early Childhood Development (2009). Retrieved from Eggen P. & Kauchak D. (2010). Educational psychology: windows on classrooms (8th. Ed.). French's Forest: Pearson. Eggen P. & Kauchak D. (2010). Educational psychology: windows on classrooms (8th. Ed.). French's Forest: Pearson. McMillan, J.H. (2011). Classroom Assessment: Principles and Practice for Effective Standards-Based Instruction. Boston: Pearson. 5th Edition McMillan, J.H. (2011). Classroom Assessment: Principles and Practice for Effective Standards-Based Instruction. Boston: Pearson. 5th Edition

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