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September 23 Objective: To know the significance of various molecules involved in metabolic processes and energy conversions that occur in living organisms.

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Presentation on theme: "September 23 Objective: To know the significance of various molecules involved in metabolic processes and energy conversions that occur in living organisms."— Presentation transcript:

1 September 23 Objective: To know the significance of various molecules involved in metabolic processes and energy conversions that occur in living organisms by identifying and investigating the role of enzymes Today’s agenda: Summative Written Exam After completing the exam, pick up your 1.1 Test and Self-reflection sheets You will have 20 minutes in class tomorrow to finish the self-reflection so if you missed many questions, please work on it for homework

2 Using the rubric, complete the Exam in C-E-R format Component1.Below Standard 2 -Approaching Standard 3-Meets Standard4- Exceeds Standard 0-2324-2627-2930-33 Claim- A conclusion that answers the original question. Does not make a claim or an inaccurate that claim does not answer the prompt. Makes a claim that is flawed and does not adequately answer the prompt. Makes an accurate but incomplete claim. The claim is reasonable, but not specific. Makes an accurate and complete claim that makes appropriate connections and reflects a valid conclusion. Evidence – Scientific data that supports the claim. The data needs to be appropriate and sufficient to support the claim. Does not provide evidence or evidence provided is unrelated to the data provided or prompt. Provides evidence that is a general reference to the data, only partially supports the claim or is irrelevant. Requires more specificity. Provides appropriate, accurate and relevant but insufficient evidence to support claim. Provides appropriate, accurate and relevant evidence that is sufficient to support claim. Interpolates or extrapolates evidence. Reasoning – A justification that links the claim to the evidence. It shows why the data counts as evidence by using appropriate and sufficient scientific principles. Does not provide reasoning or the reasoning provided is too general, vague or unclear. Provides reasoning that does not link evidence to claim or simply restates the claim. Provides reasoning that links the claim and evidence. Repeats the evidence and or includes some scientific principles, though not sufficient. Provides reasoning that links evidence to claim. Includes accurate representation of scientific principles that strongly supports a deep understanding of the relationship between the claim, evidence and scientific reasoning.

3 Using your 1.1 Test and responses, fill in the Test Self-Reflection form for each question you missed THIS area is KEY…give me evidence of why the correct answer makes sense

4 Example:

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