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Photometric & Polarimetric Phase Effects Kuliah AS8140 & AS3141 (Fisika) Benda Kecil [dalam] Tata Surya Prodi Astronomi 2006/2007.

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Presentation on theme: "Photometric & Polarimetric Phase Effects Kuliah AS8140 & AS3141 (Fisika) Benda Kecil [dalam] Tata Surya Prodi Astronomi 2006/2007."— Presentation transcript:

1 Photometric & Polarimetric Phase Effects Kuliah AS8140 & AS3141 (Fisika) Benda Kecil [dalam] Tata Surya Prodi Astronomi 2006/2007

2 Observing Plane The plane Sun-Object-Observer is the plane of light scattering of the radiating reaching us from the Sun via the object. It is a symmetry-breaking plane, and because of this, makes the light from the object polarized Karttunen et al. 1987

3 Photometry – Polarimetry vs Phase Angles Photometric & Polarimetric Phase Curves Kaasalainen 2002

4 Phase Effect Photometric: Opposition effect (spike): A nonlinear increase in disk-integrated brightness at small solar phase angles Polarimetric: Negative polarization surge (polarization opposition effect): A peculiar degree of linear polarization for unpolarized incident sunlight

5 Muinonen et al. 2002 Photometric & Polarimetric Phase Effects

6 Physical Phenomena behind the Effects (Classical) Shadowing Mechanism (SM) First-order multiple scattering Coherent Backscattering Mechanism (CBM) Higher-order (>2 nd, inclusive) multiple scattering Backscattering phenomena of atmosphereless solar system bodies (Muinonen 1994, Shkuratov et al. 1994)

7 Coherent Backscattering Mechanism Photometry Polarimetry Muinonen et al. 2002

8 Spacecraft Photometry Muinonen et al. 2002

9 Hapke’s Photometric Model Effect of shadowing (and surface roughness)   the single scattering albedo (efficiency of average particle to scatter and absorb light) h  The width of the opposition peak (soil structure) S(0)  the amplitude of the peak g  the asymmetry factor of the particle phase function (the Henyey- Greenstein approximation)  Is the average topographic slope angle of surface roughness

10 Degree of Linear Polarization I  and I  are proper intensities Lyot 1929

11 Laboratory Result Muinonen et al. 2002

12 Empirical Modelling (1) Photometric phase-effect: Shevchenko 1997, Belskaya & Shevchenko 2000:  Relation between parameter a and b  Relation between the parameters (a & b) and albedo p v b = 0.013(  0.002) – 0.024(  0.002) log p v  Relation between the parameters (a & b) and P min b = 0.016(  0.002) + 0.015(  0.002) P min

13 Empirical Modelling (2) Polarimetric phase-effect: Lumme & Muinonen 1993: Describe polarization throughout the phase angle range [0, 2  ] The values of the function are limited to the range [-1,1] when the parameter ranges are correctly defined Penttilä et al. 2006 Juno Halley

14 Empirical Modelling (3) Photometric & Polarimetric phase-effects: Muinonen et al. 2002, Kaasalainen 2002: Photometry: f(  )  the relative intensity a  the height of the brightest peak d  the width of the brightest peak b  the background intensity Polarimetry: f(  )  the degree of linear polarization a  an amplitude coefficient d  the angular scale b  the balancing amplitude coefficient k  the slope of linear part of the phase curve

15 Ceres Empirical Models of Photometric & Polarimetric Phase-effects Muinonen et al. 2002

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