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CIPD, You and a Profession for the Future Council Meeting December 2014 Laura Harrison People & Strategy Director, CIPD Samantha Whittaker Head of Content.

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Presentation on theme: "CIPD, You and a Profession for the Future Council Meeting December 2014 Laura Harrison People & Strategy Director, CIPD Samantha Whittaker Head of Content."— Presentation transcript:

1 CIPD, You and a Profession for the Future Council Meeting December 2014 Laura Harrison People & Strategy Director, CIPD Samantha Whittaker Head of Content Strategy, CIPD

2 The Challenge… 2

3 The CIPD Profession Map

4 What great HR looks like Define Identify current capabilities highlighting skill gaps versus the benchmark Diagnose Learning and development to address gaps Build Professional recognition through CIPD designations Recognise Ensure ongoing professionalism via robust CPD agenda Sustain Organising Framework How am I doing? Blended learning CPD Designation Building HR capabilities

5 What do we mean by a ‘professional?’

6 What makes a profession? Shared body of knowledge and practice Code of ethics Commitment to CPD Governance Reputation

7 Shared body of knowledge and practice

8 In action…

9 CIPD direction of travel… Profession for the Future HR Profession Map (“best practices”) Employment contract Human being = unit of resource “people are our most important asset…” “championing better work and working lives...” Employment law IR / ER Qualification / technical expertise UK (or Anglo!) centric Employment law IR / ER Qualification / technical expertise UK (or Anglo!) centric Professional competence – knowledge, skills AND behaviour Starting to internationalise, influenced by Western norms Professional competence – knowledge, skills AND behaviour Starting to internationalise, influenced by Western norms Deep professionalism Widened knowledge base “Super charged” CPD and Code of Conduct Competence and certification highly distinct Deep professionalism Widened knowledge base “Super charged” CPD and Code of Conduct Competence and certification highly distinct

10 Purpose and Principles How can we strengthen and extend our reach and purpose of championing better work and working lives? Future requirements What role will HR and / or associated or alternate capabilities play in championing better work and working lives in the future world of work? Customer groups How do we define our customer groups based upon how these capabilities cluster? Value proposition What assets do we have (and need) to leverage for each customer group? Business and operating model What distribution channels, partnerships, resources and key activities are required? PFF - Project steps 10

11 Questions?

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