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Poetic Devices:. Poetry:  The art of rhythmical composition.  A composition that evokes emotion and imagination by the use of vivid, intense language.

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Presentation on theme: "Poetic Devices:. Poetry:  The art of rhythmical composition.  A composition that evokes emotion and imagination by the use of vivid, intense language."— Presentation transcript:

1 Poetic Devices:

2 Poetry:  The art of rhythmical composition.  A composition that evokes emotion and imagination by the use of vivid, intense language.  Usually arranged in a pattern of words or lines with a regularly repeated accent or stress.

3  Shane Koyczan “We Are More” Shane Koyczan “We Are More”  Canadian slam poet.  Free verse poem commissioned for the 2010 Olympics.

4 Couplet  A pair of successive lines of verse, especially a pair that rhyme and are of the same length. Example: The big lightning strike, roasted the boys kite.

5 Imagery  The use of figurative language to enrich poetry.  Imagery evokes an imaginative emotional response.  Provides a vivid, specific description.

6 Imagery example  Compare: “What you are saying is unpleasant for me to hear.” To “These words are razors to my wounded heart.” (Shakespeare, Titus Adronicus)

7 Metaphor  Compares one thing (literal) to another (figurative).  A comparison where one thing is said to be another using the verb “to be”. Example: The liquid sun set behind the mountains.

8 Simile  A comparison of objects using connective words such as “like”, “as”, “than”. Example: My mind is like Jell-O.

9 Find the devices: "Like a Rolling Stone" Bob Dylan "The World is a vampire"-- From "Bullet with butterfly wings" Smashing Pumpkins "You Ain't Nothing but a Hound Dog" Elvis "Love is a Temple"-- From "One" U2 "I feel you crawling underneath my skin like a hunger, like a burning"-- from "What's Left of Me" Nick Lachey "She was a fast machine"-- from "You Shook Me All Night Long" AC/DC "It seems to me you lived your life like a candle in the wind"--From "Candle In the Wind" Elton John "She was more like a beauty queen from a movie scene"-- from "Billy Jean" Michael Jackson

10 Personification  Giving human qualities to a non-human thing, animal, or abstract term. Example: Time marches on.

11 Alliteration  Repetition of the initial letter or sound in two or more closely associated words or stressed syllables. Example: Fred’s friends fried Fritos for Friday’s food

12 Hyperbole  An extravagant statement or figure of speech not intended to be taken literally. Example: I nearly died laughing.

13 Onomatopoeia  The formation of a word, by imitation of a sound made by, or associated with its referent. Example: Splash, bang, boom.

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