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Web-Based Activity: Guided Notes on Enzymes  Go to “LewPort enzymes” (first link on google)

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Presentation on theme: "Web-Based Activity: Guided Notes on Enzymes  Go to “LewPort enzymes” (first link on google)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Web-Based Activity: Guided Notes on Enzymes  Go to “LewPort enzymes” (first link on google)  Read aloud the blue text on each slide  Use this info to fill in the Notes column on the back of your worksheet  Then use the animations on the Enzyme Menu to fill in drawings or descriptions in the Evidence column  We will do the first one together…  You will work quietly w/ your assigned partner to complete the rest. Objectives for Class:  Describe what an enzyme does and how it works  Explain why an enzyme’s shape is so important

2 Objectives for Class:  Describe and illustrate chemical reactions, reactants, products, and enzymes  Explain how enzymes work to catalyze reactions  Use a knowledge of enzymes to predict what will happen in tomorrow’s lab  Chemical Reaction: Process that changes or transforms one substance into another  Either to build something from smaller pieces – Synthesis  Or to break something down – Decomposition Ex: glucose + O 2 CO 2 + H 2 O + ATP energy + heat  Enzyme: A protein that speeds up chemical reactions in living things (the “catalysts” in our cells and bodies) Chemical Reaction Vocabulary:

3 Chemical Reaction Vocabulary continued:  Reactants: the starting materials in a chemical reaction (also known as substrates)  Products: substances that are produced in the chemical reaction (the end result) Objectives for Class:  Describe and illustrate chemical reactions, reactants, products, and enzymes  Explain how enzymes work to catalyze reactions  Use a knowledge of enzymes to predict what will happen in tomorrow’s lab

4 The enzyme lipase helps to break down lipids into their building block molecules (fatty acids and glycerol) Enzyme – Reactant (aka Substrate) – Products – LipidsFatty acids + glycerol Substrate/ Reactant Products Lipase Enzyme helps substrate turn into products Example: Lipid Digestion Objectives for Class:  Describe and illustrate chemical reactions, reactants, products, and enzymes  Explain how enzymes work to catalyze reactions  Use a knowledge of enzymes to predict what will happen in tomorrow’s lab Lipase Lipids Fatty acids and glycerol

5 Which enzyme is best structured to help break down lipids? Why? Example: Lipid Digestion 13 2 Objectives for Class:  Describe and illustrate chemical reactions, reactants, products, and enzymes  Explain how enzymes work to catalyze reactions  Use a knowledge of enzymes to predict what will happen in tomorrow’s lab

6 Example: Lipid Digestion 2 Which enzyme is best structured to help break down lipids? Why? The SHAPE of an enzyme must match the SHAPE of its specific substrates! Objectives for Class:  Describe and illustrate chemical reactions, reactants, products, and enzymes  Explain how enzymes work to catalyze reactions  Use a knowledge of enzymes to predict what will happen in tomorrow’s lab

7 12 Enzyme Lab: Starch Digestion STARCH GLUCOSE  Procedure  Prediction:  Results: How will we know? Starch & Water Starch & Water & Enzyme (salivary amylase) Which tube will contain glucose after 10 minutes? Fill in the Prediction row on your lab table right now. salivary amylase *Stir the starch well before using it! Benedict’s test

8 Enzyme Substrate Products

9 Applying Heat or Acid to Enzymes…

10 Denaturing Enzymes When an enzyme is denatured, it…  Becomes misshapen and deformed  Loses its original shape  Becomes unable to speed up the reaction it is designed for, because its shape no longer matches its substrate

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