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2 Lipids Lipids have 3 main functions - Energy storage
- Structural component of membranes - Specific biological functions (chemical signals) Contain Carbon, Hydrogen & Oxygen (same as carbohydrates but with less oxygen) Insoluble in water (soluble in non-polar solvents) Lipids are NON-POLAR

3 Saturated and Unsaturated Fat
SATURATED FATTY ACIDS – No double bonds between carbons Can be packaged close together Melt at HIGHER temperatures More dense Eg. Butter (solid at room temp.) UNSATURATED FATTY ACIDS – contain double bonds between carbons Double bonds produce ‘BENDS’ in the molecule (see above) Less dense Cannot be packed as closely together Melt at lower temperatures Eg. Corn oil (liquid at room temp.) VIDEO: Saturated & Unsaturated Fatty Acids

4 Triglycerides Eg. The fats and oils of plants and animals
FATTY ACIDS: long hydrocarbon chain with a carboxyl group GLYCEROL: 3 Carbons + 3 Hydroxyl groups (alcohol) GLYCEROL FATTY ACIDS Condensation reactions occur between the hydroxyl groups on the glycerol and the carboxyl group on each of the 3 fatty acids Releases water, requires and stores energy in the bond These bonds are known as ESTER BONDS (red in the above diagram)

5 Phospholipids Eg. Cell Membranes
Similar structure to a triglyceride but contain a phosphate group in place of the 3rd fatty acid (SEE DIAGRAM ON RIGHT) Spontaneously form a bilayer in a watery environment Polar and Non-Polar ends Polar molecules don’t mix with non-polar molecules (oil + water) Polar and polar do mix (salt + water) SEE PHOSPHOLIPID BILAYER AND THE FLUID MOSAIC MODEL HYDROPHILIC HYDROPHOBIC

6 Steroids Eg. Testosterone, Oestrogen, Aldosterone
Structure very different to other lipids Have a backbone of 4 Carbon rings (3 rings with 6 carbons/ 1 ring with 5) CHOLESTEROL: is the pre-cursor of several steroids, including hormones. It is also an important component of cell membranes. Cholesterol is NOT a steroid itself. (SEE DIAGRAM ON THE RIGHT) WAXES Eg. Plant covering on leaves, animal ears Waxes also contain ester linkages but each molecule contains only one fatty acid sub-unit This is linked to a molecule of a long chain alcohol instead of glycerol

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