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Vocabulary Poster Think, Pair, Share Focus Question: What does it mean to be a pioneer?

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Presentation on theme: "Vocabulary Poster Think, Pair, Share Focus Question: What does it mean to be a pioneer?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Vocabulary Poster Think, Pair, Share Focus Question: What does it mean to be a pioneer?

2 Vocabulary Words to Know bondage bondage commissioned commissioned earthen earthen encounter encounter homesteaders settlement Focus Question: What does it mean to be a pioneer?

3 Poster Talk Through Think, Pair, Share This poster shows a frontier scene. The people in this family are homesteaders who have settled the land. The father had been a commissioned army officer, but he retired so the family could move west. Some other people moved here, too and now there is a small settlement. The mother is filing an earthen pot, which is made of clay, with water from the well. As you can see, the father is about to encounter, or meet, the blacksmith. The blacksmith used to be an indentured servant, but he was recently released from his bondage. The father had written to the blacksmith and asked him to move west. The blacksmith is bringing all his tools. His former master gave some of the tools to him. An important part of a pioneer life was working together and helping neighbors.

4 bondage being held against your will under the control of another, slavery

5 commissioned holding the rank of second lieutenant or above in the U.S. Army

6 earthen made of ground, soil, or earth

7 encounter meet unexpectedly, meet in a battle

8 homesteaders people who own and live on land granted by the U.S. government

9 settlement group of buildings and the people living in them

10 Comprehension Skill Cause and Effect A cause is why something happens. To find a cause, ask yourself “Why did this happen?” An effect is what happens. To find effect, ask yourself “What happened because of this?”

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