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Northern and Southern ways of life during the Civil War. Term #2 1/8/14 U.S. History Project by Ari.

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1 Northern and Southern ways of life during the Civil War. Term #2 1/8/14 U.S. History Project by Ari

2 NORTHERNERS WERE AGAINST SLAVERY A lot of Northerners were abolitionists who did not like the civil war and slavery. Harriet Tubman was a woman who agreed with most of the Northerners that slavery is a bad thing by making slaves escape to the Underground Railroad. Other Northerners helped slaves also get to freedom such as Abraham Lincoln during the Civil War.

3 SOUTHERNERS WERE TOWARDS SLAVERY Southerners have owned slave farms where they had a big business in slaves. The slaves in the south were working hard on the cotton farms with a little amount of pay. Southerners also worked in peoples homes especially in Texas doing peoples clothes and dishes.

4 THE SOUTH HAD AGRICULTURE The south grew many kinds of crops such as cotton which was the main crop. The agriculture for the south was also corn, beans and other food. The south grew other crops such as tobacco. Tobacco was also a big deal back then. Slaves also helped harvesting corn and other agricultural products.

5 THE NORTH WAS MORE INDUSTRIOUS The north made products by sharing tasks among the workers. One worker would spin thread all day. One would also weave thread all day. During the second step they designed factories which brought specialized workers to come together. This is how our factories have developed over time.

6 SOUTHERN ECONOMY The southern economy was slavery, cotton, corn, tobacco, and other agricultural products. The major cash crop for the south was slavery which was worth billions of dollars. The southern economy was wealthy based on slavery that the slave farms had. People had huge slave farms in the south especially in Texas.

7 NORTHERN ECONOMY The Northern economy was more industrious. I have got to say that the Northern economy was really poor because this is when slaves get paid minimum wage. But somehow factories improved the way to make clothes by using the cotton gin. Also the moving parts in the factories risked people at work.

8 TRANSPORTATION IN THE NORTH By 1800 and 1850 construction workers designed thousands of miles of roads and canals. In 1807 Robert Fulton invented a steamboat. The steam boat made it easier to transport goods and passengers. In the 1840s canal designers started to make the canals deeper for steamboats. They also had railroads.

9 TRANSPORTATION IN THE SOUTH The south had railroads to transport people just like the north. But in the south the railroad were not that long, in sight, and were not connected to all parts of a region in the area. The shortage of railways would have a massive problems for the Civil War. The transportation in the South was slow methods of transportation.

10 SOUTHERN LIFESTYLE In the south women were to stay at home and take care of the home somewhat. There was a lot of farming lifestyle that was in Texas. There were also white Southerners who also farmed not just slaves. The White slaveholders farmed with slaveholders or planters sometimes.

11 NORTHERN LIFESTYLE The north was working on ways to make life such faster such as the telegraph being invented to communicate faster. They also developed the ideas of railways and faster transportation. Life in the North was more working in factories and creating new inventions such as the cotton gin. It was hard lifestyle.

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