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September 21- September 25 Mainor’s Messages Spelling Words catch itself mark Bargain certain orphan fountain Vocabulary Words Attracted Dazzling Fabric.

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1 September 21- September 25 Mainor’s Messages Spelling Words catch itself mark Bargain certain orphan fountain Vocabulary Words Attracted Dazzling Fabric Greed Mrs. Mainor ’ s Musings… Aloha all! Minor schedule change, I have a mandatory meeting on September 23 rd, meaning Volcano Projects will be due a day later on September 24 th ! I was just informed of the meeting today! I hope the new spelling homework isn’t throwing anyone off! The new spelling assignments are going well, I prefer this type of spelling homework over the previous packet! Thanks so much for your flexibility. Inside your child’s Thursday Folder you’ll find, a science test. You’ll see two grades, one is in red which is the original grade and the second is in blue. The blue grade is the final grade. The class did not do as well as we had hoped on their science test. Originally, I believed the students had ample time to study and would do well, however; the average grade was well below what I thought it should be. Because of this, I gave a retake opportunity allowing the use of their science books. This was an excellent learning opportunity for me as a teacher, and a way to ensure success within my classroom. If you have any additional questions for me about grades or anything else, never hesitate to contact me. Alexa Mainor Alexa_mainor@notes.k Upcoming Dates : September 21 st : Military Keiki Project Due September 23 rd : Literacy Night September 24 th : Volcano Project Due and Family Lunch Day October 2 nd : End of First Quarter October 5-9 th : Fall Break Learning Activities for Home :  Identifying the genre, setting, characters, and main events in a story  Encourage them to study! Good study skills will really come in handy this year!  Practice adding six digit numbers.  Ask your child questions about Hawaiian Studies. We’ve been learning a lot, talking will help him/her recall.  Review telling time, especially how many minutes and seconds are in an hour.  Multiplication and Division Facts! Learning to Come :  We will focusing on folktales and what that genre contains.  We will explore ancient Hawaiian life and customs  We review telling time and learning new strategies on how to do so.  Begin our health unit on feelings and expression. This Week ’ s Learning : I can identify prefixes. I can explain when and how to use a prefix. I can identify a proper, common, abstract, and concrete nouns I can find the sum a 6 digit addition algorithm I can discover the important information within a word problem, and then solve the problem within it. I can explain ancient Hawaiian life and traditions. latitude longitude compass absolute equator compensat ion oxen rolled fingers except speed couldn't questions Monday Military Project Due Tuesday KULIA 8-9 Hawaiian Studies Test Wednesday Literacy Night Thursday * Library Volcano Project Due Friday * KULIA Art Language Arts Test k Requested Soared Trudged honest Wish List: Old socks for white board erasers. Monday 10/28 volunteer to help us make stress balls (12:45-2) BOOK FAIR THIS WEEK!

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