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XML Used in Games. Is XML used in Games?  Yes, yes it is.  Many different games. Most are online based.

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Presentation on theme: "XML Used in Games. Is XML used in Games?  Yes, yes it is.  Many different games. Most are online based."— Presentation transcript:

1 XML Used in Games

2 Is XML used in Games?  Yes, yes it is.  Many different games. Most are online based.

3 When Did This Start?  Seems to have started being used in early/mid 2000s.  “OK, so what's so great about this, then? If your program dumps a whole load of data to a file, then what happens when you want to use that data in another program? You have to drag up format specifications, the code that created the file in the first place, and so on. The reason is that once your data's in the file, that's all it is: data. A stream of numbers with no real meaning to anyone or anything. You've effectively encrypted it - anyone who doesn't have the format specification will have no idea how to read the data. Sure, they could try and figure it out - but that's as slow and difficult as standard code-breaking. Surely, in the days of object- orientation and massively-multiplayer online games, there must be a better way? I think XML can fill part of the gap.” 1

4 Why XML in Games  Used due to the flexibility and extendibility of the language.  “Skotos Tech isn't using XML because it's sexy, nor because it will allow us to communicate with other companies running XML, nor because it might help us getting funding. These factors aren't particularly relevant to the online gaming industry. Instead, we are using XML because it precisely meets our goals as a company. We want to make the creation of online games very accessible to game designers who aren't programmers.” 2

5 What Can XML Be Used For?  Pretty much anything.   It's a box. It's empty.  It's a box. I think there's something in it.  1

6 Example  Big example of a game that uses XML...World of Warcraft  Since the game uses XML as one of its languages it allows players to make programs to help them

7 Citations  1. icle1928.asp icle1928.asp  2. dev/200010/msg01003.html dev/200010/msg01003.html  3. content/uploads/2007/10/wow.jpg content/uploads/2007/10/wow.jpg

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