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Groups and Decision Making Lewin, Lipett, & White - Classic Study of Leadership Style Group Polarization - Risky Shift.

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Presentation on theme: "Groups and Decision Making Lewin, Lipett, & White - Classic Study of Leadership Style Group Polarization - Risky Shift."— Presentation transcript:

1 Groups and Decision Making Lewin, Lipett, & White - Classic Study of Leadership Style Group Polarization - Risky Shift

2 Group Polarization

3 Groups and Decision Making (cont.) Lewin, Lipett, & White - Classic Study of Leadership Style Group Polarization - Risky Shift Myers &Bishop, 1970

4 Myers & Bishop

5 Groups and Decision Making (cont.) Lewin, Lipett, & White - Classic Study of Leadership Style Group Polarization - Risky Shift Myers &Bishop, 1970 Explanations Social Comparisons Arguments

6 GroupThink Famous Examples Pearl Harbor; Bay of Pigs; Iraq invasion? Social Conditions Leading to GroupThink Highly Cohesive Homogenous Groups Insulation of the Group Directive Leadership and Charismatic Leader Symptoms Overestimates of Groups Might and Right Closed-Mindedness Pressures toward Uniformity Groups and Decision Making (cont.)

7 Social Facilitation - What is the effect of having other people around? Zajonc’s answer - the mere presence of others causes arousal which facilitates dominant responses and impairs subordinate responses The Effect of Groups on Performance

8 Zajonc & Sales

9 The Effect of Groups on Performance (cont.) Social Facilitation - What is the effect of having other people around? Zajonc’s answer - the mere presence of others causes arousal which facilitates dominant responses and impairs subordinate responses Evaluation Apprehension - It is the fact that people are evaluating you -- not their mere presence -- that causes social facilitation Distraction-Conflict - it is distracting stimuli that causes social facilitation and people are distracting Social Loafing - People slackoff in groups Unless their individual input is monitored

10 Social Loafing

11 When do you get social facilitation vs. loafing?

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