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Stories of the past and a future topic on API recommendation Qirun Zhang.

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Presentation on theme: "Stories of the past and a future topic on API recommendation Qirun Zhang."— Presentation transcript:

1 Stories of the past and a future topic on API recommendation Qirun Zhang

2 Outline The past The future

3 The past stories

4 Do you recall… Buffer overflow ? Implementation? (What do I want?) 1. Regular expression. 2. Complier infrastructure. 3. Parser (yacc & lex) 4. Gnu-Binutils

5 Regular expression Potential approach Result (failure) Why? Example Printf(“/* int a */”); /* some comments */ char a[4]; char* b;

6 Parser (yacc && lex) Potential approach yacc- LALR parser Result (failure) Why? 1. need help from a preprocessor what if this happens… #define ggg int myfunc() 2. need globe information Node a;

7 Gnu-Binutil Potential approach Result (partial success) But not reliable gcc is an industrial-specified tool Result failure

8 Complier infrastructure Potential approach Result 1. CIL (C Intermediate Language) 2. Rose Compiler http://rosecompiler.org 3. Non-research purposed solutions ncc tcc(Tiny C Compiler) failure

9 Anyway, but how?

10 LLVM (The Dreamlover??) Low Level Virtual Machine Why llvm Publications in the past: OSDI, SOSP, PLDI, PPoPP, NDSS, ICSE, POPL, FSE, Usenix Security, ASE, ICCAD… Publications of 2010: ICSE(1),EurSys(2),ASPLOS(5)!!! (32/181 ) Industrial focus by Adobe, Apple, Sun, Google... A long road-map

11 Topic in the future: API recommendation

12 What to do? Why API recommendation? A basic scenario fp = fopen(…); fread(fp, …); fclose(fp);

13 Current State-of-The-Art [FSE09]API Hyperlinking via Structural Overlap (altair) [FSE07]Recommending Random Walks (FRAN)

14 Limitations Random Walks (FRAN) – Large searching space(exp) – Candidates are not closely correlated Structural Overlap (Altair) – What if the available information is limited? – Similar rather than related – A lot of implement issues (wrapper fun, intra- procedural analysis..)

15 Motivation What we can learn from each of them? One solution to address all these problems…. An example to beat both approaches.. Given a function apr_socket_close() Altair recommends: apr_socket_inherit_set, apr_socket_inherit_unset, apr_socket_data_set, apr_wait_for_io_or_timeout, apr_socket_from_file, apr_socket_create_ex, apr_os_sock_put, apr_socket_accept, apr_os_sock_make Let’s see that is apr_socket_close

16 Solution In order to do a better job than both of them, we should – Consider the structural overlap (the lesson from why FRAN fails) – Consider the logic correlations (the lesson from why Altair fails) – Mining from the client code – Introduce a BRAND-NEW concept of call graph – Implement issue….

17 Thank you!


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