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Level 2 Hospitality and Catering Principles (Food and Beverage)

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Presentation on theme: "Level 2 Hospitality and Catering Principles (Food and Beverage)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Level 2 Hospitality and Catering Principles (Food and Beverage)
Day 7: Unit 2 – Effective Teamwork

2 Today we will find out…. how to organise your own work
ways to support the work of the team the characteristics of an effective team how to contribute to your own learning and development.

3 We will also… do practice test 48 (unit 2) do test 48 (unit 2)
name a new skill or knowledge learnt today talk about what we have learnt so far fill in your Learner Session Record.

4 What is a team? A group of people travelling on the same train
A group of people playing football A group of people collecting for charity A group of people shopping in a supermarket

5 What is a Team? A team is a group of people who are working to a common goal. 2. A group of people playing football 3. A group of people collecting for charity

6 Groups vs. teams Groups Teams Roles unclear Roles specific Vague goals
General process Individual focus Teams Roles specific Shared goals Detailed process Team focus

7 Recipe for a successful team
Commitment to shared goals and objectives Clearly defined roles and responsibilities Use best skills of each member Allow each member to develop in all areas 26

8 Recipe for a successful team
Asking for help Helping and supporting colleagues Sharing knowledge Following instructions Working in a clean and tidy way 26

9 Benefits of helping team members
Keep up staff morale and motivation Improve your own morale and motivation Improve efficiency Reduce likelihood of accidents Encourage team working 26

10 Clear communication helps to…
minimise problems gain clarification maintain standards create positive working relationships and respect avoid mistakes deal with conflict. 26

11 Working relationship problems
Way to deal with it Staff not getting along/conflict Can be dealt though discussion. If the problems continue or escalate, pass them onto the supervisor. Underperformance Report to supervisor and address in 1:1. May lead to training and/or performance reviews. Bullying Report to supervisor. Discuss with parties individually and then potentially together. Involve HR if necessary. 11

12 How to learn

13 SWOT analysis Strengths What do you do well?
What do others see as your strengths? Weaknesses What could you improve? What are others likely to see as weaknesses? Opportunities What opportunities are open to you? How can you turn your strengths into opportunities? Threats What threats could harm you? What threats do your weaknesses expose you to?

14 Today we have found out….
how to organise your own work ways to support the work of the team the characteristics of an effective team how to contribute to your own learning and development.

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