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Hebrews, #1 The Superiority of Jesus Hebrews 1 - 2 Jesus is a Better Messenger than the Angels.

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2 Hebrews, #1 The Superiority of Jesus Hebrews 1 - 2 Jesus is a Better Messenger than the Angels

3 Hebrews, #1- The Superiority of Jesus Christ  How to introduce Hebrews???  What is known/written about its author, date, addresses, place of writing, etc.?  While much is written on these topics….  It is certain that little is known!

4 Hebrews, #1- The Superiority of Jesus Christ  So who wrote Hebrews? Some say: >Luke >Paul >Paul by Luke (Eusebius said Clement said) >Barnabas (Tertullian) >Apollos (Martin Luther) >Clement >Silas or Silvanus >Aquila >Mark

5 Hebrews, #1- The Superiority of Jesus Christ  So who wrote Hebrews? I tend to agree with Origen who said: “If, then, any church considers this epistle as coming from Paul, let it be commended for this, for neither did those ancient men deliver it as such without cause. But who it was that really wrote the epistle, God only knows” (Origen by Eusebius op. cit. VI, 25)

6 Hebrews, #1- The Superiority of Jesus Christ  Likewise, consider this: “If the authorship of this epistle is uncertain, it’s inspiration is indisputable.” (D.A. Hayes, The New Testament Epistles, p.76)

7 Hebrews, #1- The Superiority of Jesus Christ  When was it written? Not much more is known, but there are internal clues: -written during the lifetime of 2 nd generation of Christian, 2:3-4 -there had been considerable time since their conversion, 5:12 -“former days” had been forgotten (10:32) and their leaders were gone, 13:7 -Timothy had been imprisoned and freed, 13:23

8 Hebrews, #1- The Superiority of Jesus Christ  But perhaps more pertinent to the question of a date, notice these: -The priesthood/Temple is apparently indicating its services were still intact, 8:4; 10:11 -But, there are hints that the end of Judaism as such was near, 10:25; 12:27 -Likewise, persecution appears imminent, 10:32-36; 12:4. Best guess as to a date of writing? Late sixties, just before the destruction of the Temple and increased Roman persecution.

9 Hebrews, #1- The Superiority of Jesus Christ  Given how little we know about the background of the epistle, why was it written? Understand….. >The Gentile church had grown rapidly and independently of Judaism. >Even members of the Jewish church still clung to observances of the Law, though they followed Jesus’ Law. >As the Church grew and rivaled the Jewish Synagogues in attendance and expansion, the tension between Jews and Gentiles (in general) grew even stronger.

10 Hebrews, #1- The Superiority of Jesus Christ  So what? >The Church was not going away- even despite the coming severe persecution. >But Judaism was- the destruction of Jerusalem and the Temple in 70 A.D. marked the end.  How would Jews in general and Jewish Christians specifically respond to these events?  Would they completely abandon any reliance on and trust in God? This is why Hebrews was written!

11 Hebrews, #1- The Superiority of Jesus Christ  Hebrews was written in an effort to persuade and encourage Jewish Christians not to quit Christ and return to a religious and political law system which God had removed!  This objective is accomplished in the epistle through the theme of The Superiority of Christ.

12 Hebrews, #1- The Superiority of Jesus Christ  Jesus is presented as: >a better Messenger than Angels, 1-2 >a better Servant than Moses, 3- 4 >a better Priest than Levi’s house, 5-7 >a better Covenant than the Old one, 8-9 >a better Sacrifice than Animals, 10:1-31 >a better Way in Faith, 11-12 Therefore, practice Faithful Obedience to Him in Social & Spiritual Relations, 13

13 Hebrews, #1- The Superiority of Jesus Christ Since God has provided through Jesus Christ a better Law/Covenant with better Promises and based on a better Sacrifice, don’t try to go back to the Old One which He has removed!

14 Hebrews, #1- The Superiority of Jesus Christ *A note on the format/structure of the letter: Hebrews is basically a book of comparisons. >Usually, following a specific and well documented representation of why Christ is superior, there is a warning and an exhortation. >These warnings and exhortations are almost parenthetical. (watch for them)

15 Hebrews, #1- The Superiority of Jesus Christ Chapter 1- The text:  The epistle begins by stating the proposition of Christ’s Superiority: >Jesus is the way God has spoken to man in “these last days” v.2. >He had spoken previously through angels, vv.1,4ff. >But Jesus’ Sonship, Inheritance, Creatorship, Radiance, Exact Representation, Power, Purification, and Position make His way far superior! vv.2-3

16 Hebrews, #1- The Superiority of Jesus Christ, Text: chp.1  Therefore, Jesus is Superior to the Angels because: -He has a more excellent name, v.4 > cf.1Tim.6:15 -He is the Son of the Father, v.5 -The angels worshipped Him, v.6 -The angels are His winds & ministers, v.6 -He has dominion, v.8 -He has been anointed above others, v.9 -He was Creator, v.10 > cf. Col.1:15-16 -He is eternal whereas His creation isn’t, v.11

17 Hebrews, #1- The Superiority of Jesus Christ, Text: chp.1  Jesus is also Superior to the Angels because: -He will destroy His own creation, v.12a -He is eternal, v.12b -He is at God’s right hand, v.13  And now, that parenthetical warning and exhortation….

18 Hebrews, #1- The Superiority of Jesus Christ, Text: chp.1  Chapter 2: Begins with “for this reason”- because of Christ’s superiority over the angels specifically (1:4-14), and the deliverers of God’s message generally (1:1-3). >Closer attention must be paid to what He has said. -word through angels was unalterable and transgressions received recompense, v.2 -how much more so the message delivered by a superior Messenger??? v.4

19 Hebrews, #1- The Superiority of Jesus Christ, Text: chp.1  Chapter 2: What about this message? It was: -spoken through the Lord, v.3b -confirmed to us by those who heard, v.3c -God bore witness of them and it, v.4 cf. Mark 16:20 Therefore again, It deserves greater attention and obedience than even the former one! This is an important point to the Hebrews!!!

20 Hebrews, #1- The Superiority of Jesus Christ, Text: chp.1  The rest of Chapter 2 has to do with the Incarnation of Jesus. (2:5-18) He was: -made lower than angels, v.7a This has to do with position, not creation. But He also: -was crowned with glory & honor, v.7b -was put over all the works, v.7c -had all things subjected to Him, v.8 This makes Him superior to the Angels!

21 Hebrews, #1- The Superiority of Jesus Christ, Text: chp.1  OK, so why did He need then to be lower than the Angels? So He: -could die, v.9 -perfect man’s salvation through sufferings, v.10 -could legitimately call mankind “brethren,” vv.11-13 -could partake of man’s plight, v.14 -could deliver mankind from fear & slavery, v.15

22 Hebrews, #1- The Superiority of Jesus Christ, Text: chp.1  But also so He could: -through His having been there and done that so to speak with regard to living as a man, -become a merciful and faithful High Priest for man to God! v.17 -better understand our temptations and come to our aid, v.18.

23 Hebrews, #1- The Superiority of Jesus Christ, Text: chp.1  Conclusions from Chapters 1 & 2? Jesus’ message/covenant is superior to the former one because it was delivered by a better messenger. If the covenant delivered by inferior angels was “unalterable” and transgressions of it were “justly recompensed,” how much more so the one delivered by the very Son of God!


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