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3/7/20161 Pre-visualization Tools for Successful Filmmaking.

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Presentation on theme: "3/7/20161 Pre-visualization Tools for Successful Filmmaking."— Presentation transcript:

1 3/7/20161 Pre-visualization Tools for Successful Filmmaking

2 3/7/20162 Shooting Script Visual strategy for every scene How shots will connect together Camera angles, shot sizes, camera moves Organizes the order in which the film will be shot Creative & technical blue print for the entire process

3 3/7/20163 Shooting Script Steps 1. Number each scene sequentially 2. Mark the script – how every line of dialogue and action will be shot  Actions/lines may be covered by more than one shot (common)  Action overlapping – extend the multiple angles before and after specified shots 3. Assign a letter in alphabetical order to every shot in each scene

4 3/7/20164 Overhead Diagrams A.K.A. Floor Plan Bird’s eye view of each scene Identifies camera placement, actor blocking, props, etc Each scene and shot are in relationship to the shooting script Maintains continuity and 180- degree principle

5 3/7/20165 Storyboards Sketches of shots in the order of appearance in the film Accompanied by description of shot and action/dialogue Most direct way to visualize the film before shooting

6 3/7/20166 Collaborate! Producer/Director need to have same vision Cinematographer should especially be involved Audio Engineer should think about acoustics & mic placement Editor should think about the cutting process Everybody needs to communicate to talent & crew and be on same page

7 3/7/20167 Shot List/Sheet Order in which scenes will be shot Practical approach to production plan Save time & money!

8 3/7/20168 Steps to Shot List/Sheet 1. Organize by Location & Time of Day  Take Advantage of Good Weather!  Take Advantage of Borrowed Space! 2. Camera Setup  Don’t keep repositioning lights & mics! 3. Shot Size  Start Wide, then go close  Master scenes see everything – base continuity off of this!

9 3/7/20169 Steps to Shot List/Sheet 4. On-Set Logistics  Talent availability  Prop/Set availability 5. Pick-up Shots  No talent required  “Establishing Shots”

10 3/7/201610 Line Producing Creating production schedules  Talent, Crew, Location availability Location Scouting/signing  Sound!!!!  Technical Survey  Permit/Waiver? Coordination of props, equipment, costumes, food Create a Breakdown Sheet  Indicates talent, props, costumes needed for each scene based on Shot List

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