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French and Indian War plants the seeds for revolution

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1 French and Indian War plants the seeds for revolution

2 Colonized United States


4 Background Biggest European Rivals: France v Britain
1689 series of wars start in Europe – GB and F already fought 2 inconclusive wars in previous half century (old enemies) In America: Britain wants Ohio River Valley Colonists eager to expand west – they support GB in rivalry with France – still think of themselves as British

5 The French in America – New France
Jacques Cartier explores St. Lawrence River 16th century Establish Quebec in Canada Establish Louisiana in U.S. 70,000 inhabitants (compared to more than 1,000,000 British) Fur trading, Catholicism Friendly relations with the Native Americans

6 Why Ohio river valley? lucrative fur trade
access to the all- important Mississippi River, the lifeline of the FRONTIER Space for W. expansion

7 Tensions erupt 1754: France builds Fort Duquesne (modern day Pittsburgh) Problem – British had already granted thousands of acres of land in OH River valley to wealthy planters VA governor sends militia to eject French 22 year old George Washington leads British militia and attacks French 1st skirmish-colonists lose (Washington forced to surrender) Beginning of French and Indian War for control of N. America

8 Early French Victories
British army suffers defeat after defeat 1755/1756 French/Indians ambush British, burn and pillage settlements

9 Turning Point for the British
King George appoints new command - William Pitt Under Pitt, British start winning battles Powerful Iroquois nation comes in on British side Gets supplies and recruitment from locals Promised to reimburse Americans for their help

10 British Victory - QUEBEC
Sept 1759 – British scale cliffs protecting Quebec and attack under cover of night Take the city of Quebec = turning point

11 Impact of the War

12 Treaty of Paris 1763 – officially ends the war
Eliminates France as a colonial power in North America GB gets Canada and all of N. America east of the Mississippi River Colonists eager to move WEST Natives are big losers – either way they lose their land and British are more imposing than French

13 Ben Franklin’s Political Cartoon
17 54 Ben Franklin drew this image of a severed snake to encourage the colonies to unite against the French and Indians. First political cartoon published in American newspaper Image was widely circulated in and later during the American Revolution Critical Thinking Questions…. Why only 8 segments? What does the image reveal in terms of how the colonists were starting to see themselves? What is Franklin’s point?

14 Impact of war Native Americans fear British expansion will drive away the game they depend on Start to realize that the French loss was a loss for them as well. Ottawa leader Pontiac: “When I go see the English commander and say to him that some of our comrades are dead, instead of bewailing their death, as our French brothers do, he laughs at me….If I ask for anything for our sick he refuses with the reply that he has no use for us. From all this you can see that they are seeking our ruin. Therefore my brothers, we must all swear their destruction and wait no longer.”

15 PONTIAC’s REBELLION Led by Pontiac, Native Americans capture 8 British forts in the OH Valley and attack two more. Angry Brits in response present smallpox infected blankets to two Delaware chiefs during peace negotiations. The virus spreads rapidly among Natives. To avoid more conflict with Natives, British government passes Proclamation of 1763 – bans all settlement West of Appalachians. Colonists mostly ignore the ban and continue to move west. Angry that GB would halt their expansion.

16 Effects of winning the war
Colonists: Gained self- confidence Military experience Saw the need for unification Threat of French/Indian attacks gone; dependence on Britain lessened British: Determined to change policy of salutary neglect Colonies had not sufficiently helped Gained much land from the victory in Britain’s name Colonies should help pay for the war $$$$$$$$$$$ Britain’s debt doubled during the war

17 Colonies and GB Grow Apart
GB in financial crisis – hoping to lower the debt King George III appoints a financial expert - George Greenville to serve as Prime Minister Greenville suspects colonies are smuggling goods and in 1764 Parliament passes The SUGAR ACT Placed duties on certain imports Strengthened the enforcement of the law by allowing prosecutors to try smuggling cases End of SALUTARY NEGLECT! Colonial viewpoint – limiting our W. expansion, stationing troops and making us pay for it, and taxing us

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