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Gateway Academy to Innovation and Technology Offering TWO new Academies Fall 2014: Health Science & Engineering.

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Presentation on theme: "Gateway Academy to Innovation and Technology Offering TWO new Academies Fall 2014: Health Science & Engineering."— Presentation transcript:

1 Gateway Academy to Innovation and Technology Offering TWO new Academies Fall 2014: Health Science & Engineering

2 Vision  Academy students graduate from high school college and career ready.

3 College and Career Academies Defined:  School within a school  Integrated college preparatory curriculum centered around a career theme  Project-Based Learning (PBL)  Partnerships with local colleges, businesses, and the community

4 Intro to Project- Based Learning 

5 Career Academies have been shown to (researched based)  Show an increase in test scores and attendance  Show an increase in readiness for college  Provide greater earnings among graduating students

6 Individual Learning Plans  Career Survey taken as early middle school.  Identifies students’ career interests in ranking order.  ILP website:

7  Health Science  Health Science class  CPR/Medical Terminology  English  Science  Engineering  Engineering class  Intro to Engineering Design  Principles of Engineering  English  Math Academies

8 Applying to Gateway Academies  All academies are interest driven  Students will register at their home school, during the school’s time for class registration for 2014-15 classes

9 Selection Process  If the number of applications exceeds the number of available seats, a lottery will be held in the month of April  Student will be notified when the selection process is complete.

10 Questions

11 More Information  Contact Brad Hawkins, Principal, Gateway Academy at (270) 887-7030  Visit our website at

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