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“Strategies for enhancing water use efficiency”

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1 “Strategies for enhancing water use efficiency”
Welcome to PMKSY workshop “Strategies for enhancing water use efficiency” by R.K.NEMA College of Agricultural Engineering Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishva Vidyalaya Jabalpur M.P.

2 Present Status rainfall and SWR
Rainfall in mm I , II III,IV.V.VII,VIII IX,X VI Potential created 29.2 lakh ha Potential Utilized lakh ha Gap of lakh ha. Bargi Project Jabalpur , Bansagar Rewa, Tawa Hosangabad, Samrat Ashok Sagara Vidisha

3 xsg¡w dh ty mRikndrk {ks= ftyk ty mRikndrk kg/m3 vkfFkZd n{krk Rs/m3
lsaVªy ueZnk osyh gks'kaxkckn 0.91 2.31 tcyiqj 0.47 1.06 ujflagiqj 0.53 1.11 >kcqvk fgYl >kcqvk 0.60 1.20 lriqM+k iBkj cSrwy 0.84 2.61 Ekkyok iBkj /kkj 0.95 2.04 fuekM+ eSnku mRrjh fuekM+ 0.83 1.9 NRrhlx<+ dk mRrjh iBkj eaMyk 1.80 4.09 flaU/k iBkj jk;lsu 1.01 2.27

4 Water Productivity of Application Methods
Ea, % Storage Es,% Distribution ED, % Depth of applied, cm Yield, q/ha Water Productivity , Kg/m3 Rainfed with One Irriagtion at CRI 62.2 61.3 73.3 14 20.7 1.48 Supervised Flooding using Pipes 60.1 61.4 68.6 58.5 35.9 0.61 Border Irrigation 83.1 69.1 95.4 32.2 48.9 1.51 Sprinkler Irrigation 91.8 66.3 96.1 19.4 38.3 1.97 Drip Irrigation - 18.3 39.51 2.15

5 Objective Action for surface water Empowerment of Water User Associations Volume based water charges Water delivery based on crop Incentives for incremental WUE Increasing WUE in command area Increasing adoption of efficient surface methods of irrigation Standardization of surface irrigation methods at micro level based on soil slope and discharge Awarding efficient irrigation system and WA with top WP Increasing Water and nutrient use efficiency in Pressurized irrigation Popularization of Micro-irrigation including command areas Deficit Irrigation Operation and maintenance contract at time of installation

6 Ground water status District wise per cent utilization of GW
Over exploited-Red blocks Critical -Brown - 5 Semi-critical- Yellow Safe - Green Water table open well – m bgl Tube well – bgl Declining rate – 0.7 to 2 m/y (Non-commands, 2.52 m ha) Rising rate 0.2 m/y (Canal Command area 1.46 mha)

7 Ground Water Status Policy has to be made for use of GW as an emergency stock of water only when rainfall or its harvest as supplement is not enough for cropping

8 Objective Action for Ground water Enhancinground water resources Recharging through retention in fields Excess water storage in inline structures and their use Water harvesting Incentives for small and marginal farmers Use of only efficient application irrigation methods to use the GW for crops having higher WP Demarcation of recharge zones and exhaustive number of structures for retention Either harvest crop or harvest water policy

9 Havlei Fields : A Prominent Source of Recharge
in Kymore Plateau and Satpura Hills

10 Recharge through Haveli fields
Characterization Mapping Evaluation – Water Balancing Improvement Multiple uses for WP Singhara cultivation Water quality Additional recharge through recharge shaft Filter for direct recharge Status of Haveli fields and future prospects

11 Location of Haveli Areas

12 .Recharge through Haveli Fields :
Satellite data with IRS-ID PAN Sensor used to identity the Haveli areas in Patan block near Jabalpur. 73,424 ha were under Haveli during year which is 11 percent of total area under the study. An estimated spread of Haveli in Narsingpur district was 1,91,778 ha in the year and in Jabalpur district it was 2,78,624 ha . The total area was estimated to be reduced to 1,38,422 ha in the year

13 Haveli -Recharge Study Period 3 years
Location 4 (3 Narsingpur + 1 Jabalpur) Observations Gauging of Haveli field during kharif, measuring I, K, Rainfall, area extent through Satellite images Approach Field water balance Extent 11 percent of total area Contribution 4 to 6 mm per day for day 40 to 60 cm percolation Inference Haveli recharge contribute to additional rise in water level by 4 to 6 m

14 Blocks in the Study area
S.No. District Block 1 Katni Katni, Rethi, Badwara, Vijayraghavgarh, Bahoribund, Dhimarkheda 2 Satna Majhgawa, Sohaval, Rampurbaghelan, Nagod, Uchehara , Amarpatan, Ramnagar, Maihar 3 Seoni Seoni, Kurai, Lakhnadon, Chhapara, Ghansor, Ghanora, Kevlari, Burghat 4 Sehora, Majholi, Patan ,Shahpura, , Panagar, Kundam 5 Sidhi Baidan , Deosar, Chitrangi ,Sihawal, Kushmi, Majholi, Sidhi Rampurnaikin 6 Rewa Mauganj, Hunumana, Sirmor, Rewa, Raipur-karchulian, Naigadhi, Teothar, Gangev, Jawa. 7 Panna Ajaigarh, Panna, Gunnor, Pawai, Shahnagar

15 Haveli Potential Kympore plateau and Satpura hills can contribute ham, ham and ham recharge additionally through haveli fields. Fallow land in all the state has also similar potential for recharge.

16 Division wise fallow area, ,000 ha
Enhancing Ground Water Recharge Objective Action GWR through fallow lands Utilization of Kharif fallow for water harvesting Division wise fallow area, ,000 ha Division Fallow Jabalpur 379.3 Ujjain 13.7 Sagar 302.9 Chambal 200.8 Rewa 319.4 Bhopal 107.3 Indore 57.4 Total ( ) ( ) Percolation Pond m (L), 40 m (W), 3 m (D), 1:1 (S) ha sq m Vol. of storage cu m Recharge 50 % cu m ha m Number of ponds required for 1 ham recharge 4

17 Draught alleviation in rainfed kharif Objective Action
Life saving of Kharif in Rainfed areas Utilization of 10% area of field for water harvesting and recycling Efficient use of harvested water Use of micro irrigation for Higher WUE and crop production Percentage Runoff in cultivated field at average slope of 0-5% Heavy soil 60 Sufficient runoff is available Medium soil 50 Light 30 10% of I ha 40 m (L), 25 m (W), 3 m (D), 1:1 (S) Vol. of storage cu m Losses 493 cu m Available water cu m = cm Sufficient for irrigations by flooding or 3 irrigations by border or 4 irrigations by sprinkler Note : Water must be used keeping this in mind in every WHS



20 Some Suggessions Appendix A-Two maps are to be generated
Surface and subsurface water Irrigated areas through different sources Data format seems not sufficient 1.4 For IR time domain has to be considered weekly/monthly WR and IRR are to be updated 1.6 Draught frequency source not mentioned

21 Sugessions 2.2 Firs col has to be part of row A and B
3.1 Spatial distribution of information is required for GW sources and Canal 3.4 Quantification is required rather than numbers

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