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SWBAT: Compare the attitude of Japanese and USA soldiers. Skim pages 601-605. -Operation overlord (definition): -D-Day (definition): -Normandy (what happens.

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Presentation on theme: "SWBAT: Compare the attitude of Japanese and USA soldiers. Skim pages 601-605. -Operation overlord (definition): -D-Day (definition): -Normandy (what happens."— Presentation transcript:

1 SWBAT: Compare the attitude of Japanese and USA soldiers. Skim pages 601-605. -Operation overlord (definition): -D-Day (definition): -Normandy (what happens there?): -Island hopping (definition): -MacArthur returns (from where): -Kamikaze (who are they?): SIN #23

2  Name of the Allied invasion into France  Stalin really pushed us to do so  Finally felt ready to fight the Nazis

3  Day US attacked beaches in northern France, goal was to push Germany back and free France  Normandy- main beach US attacked in France  Allies had to secure territory to bring in tanks/supplies  Estimated 10,000 casualties

4  US plan for going from island to island in southern Asia to clear out Japan and push them back  Japanese soldiers trained to fight til the death and never surrender

5  ii/a/soldiersurr.htm ii/a/soldiersurr.htm

6  As promised he returns to the Philippines to take it back from Japan  US begins to get the advantage in the pacific

7  Japanese suicide pilots  Load up planes with as many bombs as possible and fly into US ships  Very effective

8  #23 cont.  Cumulative vocab test in April (maybe)

9  _xhQ start at 40 min _xhQ  Vt7w saving private ryan, stop at 6:30 Vt7w

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