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Paul’s First Missionary Journey. The Council of Jerusalem.

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Presentation on theme: "Paul’s First Missionary Journey. The Council of Jerusalem."— Presentation transcript:

1 Paul’s First Missionary Journey


3 The Council of Jerusalem

4 Church's first great controversy: Would the Church remain exclusively Jewish, or encompass all humanity?

5 Issues discussed at the Council: Is it necessary for Gentiles to be circumcised? Are Gentiles required to follow the Jewish dietary Laws (Kosher)?

6 For Paul, the controversy over circumcision struck at the very essence of the Gospel: to require Gentiles to practise Jewish Law would be as good as saying that faith in the risen Lord is not enough for salvation.

7 Implications of the Council of Jerusalem: Paul's understanding of the Gospel was accepted by the Church as her own. The Church officially shed her exclusively Jewish character. It was the turning point in the history of the Church.

8 Outcomes of the Council of Jerusalem: Circumcision would not be required of Gentiles, but as a compromise all would follow certain Jewish laws:  Food offered in sacrifice to idols was forbidden  Illicit sex was forbidden  Certain dietary laws were imposed

9 Paul’s Second Missionary Journey


11 Paul’s Third Missionary Journey


13 Paul Second founder of Christianity Persecuted Christians Underwent a vision and converted to Christianity He brought to it energy and creativity that soon made him the most prominent leader in the new movement

14 Paul’s Background Pharisee product of the Jewish Diaspora born in the Cilician city of Tarsus and therefore officially a citizen of Rome raised within Greek culture His Emphasis was on Christianity as a universal religion

15 Controversy The debate between the Hebrews and the Hellenists was the refusal of the Hellenic Christians to abide by Jewish law. The issues were Jewish rules of eating and circumcision - neither of which the non-Jewish Christians wanted to adopt. For the Jewish Christians, this made the Greek Christians unclean. Paul argued that the Law was utterly worthless in gaining salvation; the sacrifice of Christ was enough. Controversy

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