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Pathogen Reduction Dialogue Panel 1 Introduction of Hazards, Farm to Table May 6, 2002 Introduction Chair: Michael Doyle, PhD Regents Professor of Food.

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Presentation on theme: "Pathogen Reduction Dialogue Panel 1 Introduction of Hazards, Farm to Table May 6, 2002 Introduction Chair: Michael Doyle, PhD Regents Professor of Food."— Presentation transcript:

1 Pathogen Reduction Dialogue Panel 1 Introduction of Hazards, Farm to Table May 6, 2002 Introduction Chair: Michael Doyle, PhD Regents Professor of Food Microbiology Director, Center for Food Safety University of Georgia

2 Panel 1: Introduction of Hazards, Farm to Table l Focus on microbiological hazards that contaminate meat, poultry and eggs at different locations in the food continuum

3 Panel 1: Introduction of Hazards, Farm to Table l Address: s Risk factors for acquiring meat and poultry-associated foodborne illnesses s Where pathogens originate s How pathogens are introduced into foods, including influenced of environmental and management factors

4 Panel 1: Introduction of Hazards, Farm to Table l Address: s Identify the challenges for pathogen control presented by the microbial ecology of meat and poultry pathogens on the farm and in processing facilities s Describe hazards introduced during transportation and housing (lair facilities) of animals

5 Risk Factors for Sporadic Campylobacter Infections in the United States l Case-control study of 6 FoodNet sites from Jan 98 - Mar 99 involving 1463 patients with Campylobacter infection and 1317 controls s Risk factors include: u Foreign travel u Eating undercooked poultry u Eating chicken or turkey cooked outside the home u Eating nonpoultry meat cooked outside the home

6 Risk Factors for Sporadic Campylobacter Infections in the United States s Risk factors include: u Eating raw seafood u Drinking raw milk u Living on or visiting a farm u Contact with farm animals u Contact with puppies C. Friedman et al. Abstr. Int. Conf. Emerg. Infect. Dis. p. 149-150 (2000)

7 Risk Factors for Sporadic E. coli O157:H7 Infections in the United States l Case-control study of FoodNet Sites s 326 cases and 591 matched controls from Feb 99 - Apr 00 s Risk factors: u Swimming in a pond, lake, river or stream with cattle nearby (mOR = 15.8) u Drinking pond, lake, river or stream water (mOR = 3.5) u Drinking from water fountains or pool water (mOR = 3.5)

8 Risk Factors for Sporadic E. coli O157:H7 Infections in the United States s Risk Factors (Cont.): u Visiting a farm <12 times a year (mOR = 3.0) u Eating pink hamburgers in the home (mOR = 2.2) u Living on a farm (mOR = 1.9) u Thawing ground beef in microwave (mOR = 1.5) M. H. Kennedy et al. Abstr. Int. Conf. Emerg. Infect. Dis. p. 169 (2002)

9 Moderated discussion (immediately following lunch) among panelists and symposium attendees, addressing issues associated with the introduction of microbiological hazards in meat, poultry and eggs

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