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Charlotte’s Web Words Chapters 1-4. A runt is the smallest of a group of puppies, kittens, or pigs, who were just born. The group is called a litter.

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Presentation on theme: "Charlotte’s Web Words Chapters 1-4. A runt is the smallest of a group of puppies, kittens, or pigs, who were just born. The group is called a litter."— Presentation transcript:

1 Charlotte’s Web Words Chapters 1-4

2 A runt is the smallest of a group of puppies, kittens, or pigs, who were just born. The group is called a litter.

3 The runt is a lot smaller than the other kitten.

4 Just look at that litter of piglets! I wonder which one is the runt.

5 A person or animal’s appetite is its wanting to eat. If you want to eat a lot, then you have a good appetite.

6 The kitten is very hungry! It has a big appetite for milk.

7 Injustice is doing something unfair or wrong to someone else.

8 Tommy said, “This is injustice!” so he punched Johnny in the mouth. That was not at all nice.

9 To frolic is to have fun, happily and lightly.

10 The children had fun. They frolicked on the grass.

11 Manure is poop, especially of cows and horses, used to make plants grow better. It’s like plant food.

12 A farmer is spreading manure from a basket onto the ground.

13 A snout is the part of an animal’s head where the nose sticks out. Pigs, horses, and many other animals have snouts.

14 The pigs’ snouts are sticking through a fence, while the horse’s snout is sticking over a fence.

15 For pigs, slops is food, made out of cornmeal and other food lying about.

16 The pigs waited for their slops.

17 To be captured is for someone to hold someone else, without letting him go. So captivity means being held, or put in prison or a cage.

18 This pig is in captivity, in a cage.

19 Something is vanished if it has gone away, out of sight, so that you can’t see it anymore.

20 The rockets made smoke trails but then vanished out of sight.

21 A trough is a long, low box that pigs eat out of. It is like a bowl for a pig’s dinner.

22 The pigs said “Oink!” as they ate from their trough.

23 The End

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