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15 December 2015Alan Norton, NA62, LKR WG 1 LKR Calibration Topics for 2016 Pedestals Pulser Calibration Bad Channels Time Calibration Small Pulses LKR.

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Presentation on theme: "15 December 2015Alan Norton, NA62, LKR WG 1 LKR Calibration Topics for 2016 Pedestals Pulser Calibration Bad Channels Time Calibration Small Pulses LKR."— Presentation transcript:

1 15 December 2015Alan Norton, NA62, LKR WG 1 LKR Calibration Topics for 2016 Pedestals Pulser Calibration Bad Channels Time Calibration Small Pulses LKR Calibration Topics for 2016 Pedestals Pulser Calibration Bad Channels Time Calibration Small Pulses Alan Norton / Ferrara

2 15 December 2015Alan Norton, NA62, LKR WG 2  Continue to monitor bad pulses from Transceiver Power Supplies. There is a clear improvement with repairs, which should be completed for the 2016 run.  Channel gains are very stable (no signs of the frequent gain jumps seen in the past with CPDs).  Pedestals must be better monitored. Baseline Equalisation degrades with time (glitches, firmware resets, … ). Wandering pedestals directly impact cluster energy biases and resolution.  In 2016, random NZS pedestals, and pulser calibrations, should be recorded during data taking (as in the past), and streamed for fast analysis (best online and automatic).  Give more priority to the transition from old to new software, with storage of run-dependent constants in the NA62 DB. Next Actions (from October 2015)

3 15 December 2015Alan Norton, NA62, LKR WG 3 TOO UNSTABLE in 2015 : ( Baseline Equalisation not robust enough) Cream firmware? Random hiccups? Temperature variation? ….. NEED routine procedures to monitor and record history On-line, (semi)-automatic Regular NZS events with random trigger Early detection of problem channels or Creams Unless Baseline Equalisation improves: NEED run-dependent peds in reconstruction Only one set in 2015! Make available fast for online and offline PEDESTALS

4 15 December 2015Alan Norton, NA62, LKR WG 4 GAINS Stable in 2015 but : Need to check for unexpected behaviour e.g. bad pulses seen at high energy (TX PS) NEED routine procedures to monitor and record history On-line, (semi)-automatic Regular samples with calibration trigger.. end of each burst or dedicated runs Early detection of problem channels or Creams Add histograms to the online monitor PULSER CALIBRATION

5 15 December 2015Alan Norton, NA62, LKR WG 5 NEED to monitor, and store history : Fixed list, e.g. dead preamps Dynamic list from pedestal & Pulser runs Occasional bad Creams NEED UP-TO-DATE run-dependent lists for: On-line reconstruction Offline reconstruction and MC Analysis Easy visual inspection NEED to be consistent: Fix different lists e.g. from Alan and Michal Avoid ad hoc lists in reconstruction BAD CHANNELS

6 15 December 2015Alan Norton, NA62, LKR WG 6 T 0 s for 2015 were extracted by Riccardo : Using physics triggers (  +  0 ?) Limited statistics, especially on boundaries Resolution about 700 ps (?) - should it not be better? (my question) - is there any energy dependence of the T 0 ’s ? STUDY if calibration pulser can help (started by Alan) More promising with Creams, but … different cable lengths in the pulse distribution Small differences in pulse shape TIME CALIBRATION

7 15 December 2015Alan Norton, NA62, LKR WG 7 Suggested further study with a mixture of physics and calibration data Issues with present ZS - single pulse level in Creams Non-uniform / biased pulse suppression because of noise variation across the LKR (X-dependence) Cutting power reduced by noise with the present algorithm (cut on max-min in 8 samples) No halo expansion biases cluster energies in a complicated way, and reduces resolution; clusters may be split Is there scope for more elaborate Cream algorithms? Can we go back to precise pedestals with extra logic for pile-up? Can we envisage two-level ZS: Cream + online PCs? Have we given up on no-loss bit compression? Digital Filtering limitations and possible improvements Energy (non-)linearity SMALL PULSES

8 15 December 2015Alan Norton, NA62, LKR WG 8  2015 was about SURVIVAL during hectic evolution with many other priorities  2016 should be about moving to ROUTINE (semi-)automatic procedures  Time-dependent calibration data sets are needed, accessible at all levels. Ad hoc data bases are not sustainable.  There is need for more cross-talk between Basic Calibration (single channels) and Reconstruction (clusters).  In 2015, there was limited effort for Basic Calibration : Riccardo:indispensable, but everywhere Michal:other responsibilities; focusing on Analysis Alan:part-time; a reluctant novice with NA62 software Some Comments

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