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1 ETL Concepts

2 Scope of the Training What is ETL? Need for ETL ETL Glossary
The ETL Process Data Extraction and Preparation Data Cleansing Data Transformation Data Load Data Refresh Strategies ETL Solution Options Characteristics of ETL Tools Types of ETL Tools ETL Tool - selection criteria Key tools in the market

3 What is ETL? ETL stands for Extraction, Transformation and Load
This is the most challenging, costly and time consuming step towards building any type of Data warehouse. This step usually determines the success or failure of a Data warehouse because any analysis lays a lot of importance on data and the quality of data that is being analyzed.

4 What is ETL?

5 What is ETL? - Extraction
The process of culling out data that is required for the Data Warehouse from the source system Can be to a file or to a database Could involve some degree of cleansing or transformation Can be automated since it becomes repetitive once established

6 What is ETL? - Transformation & Cleansing
Modification or transformation of data being imported into the Data Warehouse. Usually done with the purpose of ensuring ‘clean’ and ‘consistent’ data Cleansing The process of removing errors and inconsistencies from data being imported to a data warehouse Could involve multiple stages Feedback could go back for strengthening OLTP data capture mechanism

7 What is ETL? - Loading After extracting, scrubbing, cleaning, validating etc. need to load the data into the warehouse Issues huge volumes of data to be loaded small time window available when warehouse can be taken off line (usually nights) when to build index and summary tables allow system administrators to monitor, cancel, resume, change load rates Recover gracefully -- restart after failure from where you were and without loss of data integrity

8 What is ETL? - Loading Techniques
batch load utility: sort input records on clustering key and use sequential I/O; build indexes and derived tables sequential loads still too long use parallelism and incremental techniques

9 The Need for ETL Facilitates Integration of data from various data sources for building a Datawarehouse Note: Mergers and acquisitions also create disparities in data representation and pose more difficult challenges in ETL. Businesses have data in multiple databases with different codification and formats Transformation is required to convert and to summarize operational data into a consistent, business oriented format Pre-Computation of any derived information Summarization is also carried out to pre-compute summaries and aggregates Makes data available in a queriable format

10 The Need for ETL - Example
Data Warehouse appl A - m,f appl B - 1,0 appl C - x,y appl D - male, female encoding appl A - pipeline - cm appl B - pipeline - in appl C - pipeline - feet appl D - pipeline - yds unit appl A - balance appl B - bal appl C - currbal appl D - balcurr field

11 Data Integrity Problems - Scenarios
Same person, different spellings Agarwal, Agrawal, Aggarwal etc... Multiple ways to denote company name Persistent Systems, PSPL, Persistent Pvt. LTD. Use of different names mumbai, bombay Different account numbers generated by different applications for the same customer Required fields left blank Invalid product codes collected at point of sale manual entry leads to mistakes “in case of a problem use ”

12 ETL Glossary Extracting Conditioning House holding Enrichment Scoring

13 ETL Glossary Extracting
Capture of data from operational source in “as is” status Sources for data generally in legacy mainframes in VSAM, IMS, IDMS, DB2; more data today in relational databases on Unix Conditioning The conversion of data types from the source to the target data store (warehouse) -- always a relational database

14 ETL Glossary House holding
Identifying all members of a household (living at the same address) Ensures only one mail is sent to a household Can result in substantial savings: 1 lakh catalogues at Rs. 50 each costs Rs. 50 lakhs. A 2% savings would save Rs. 1 lakh. Enrichment Bring data from external sources to augment/enrich operational data. Data sources include Dunn and Bradstreet, A. C. Nielsen, CMIE, IMRA etc... Scoring computation of a probability of an event. e.g..., chance that a customer will defect to AT&T from MCI, chance that a customer is likely to buy a new product

15 The ETL Process Access data dictionaries defining source files
Build logical and physical data models for target data Identify sources of data from existing systems Specify business and technical rules for data extraction, conversion and transformation Perform data extraction and transformation Load target databases

16 The ETL Process – Push vs. Pull
Pull :- A Pull strategy is initiated by the Target System. As a part of the Extraction Process, the source data can be pulled from Transactional system into a staging area by establishing a connection to the relational/flat/ODBC sources. Advantage :- No additional space required to store the data that needs to be loaded into to the staging database Disadvantage :- Burden on the Transactional systems when we want to load data into the staging database OR Push :- A Push strategy is initiated by the Source System. As a part of the Extraction Process, the source data can be pushed/exported or dumped onto a file location from where it can loaded into a staging area. Advantage :- No additional burden on the Transactional systems when we want to load data into the staging database Disadvantage :- Additional space required to store the data that needs to be loaded into to the staging database

17 The ETL Process – Push vs. Pull
With a PUSH strategy, the source system area maintains the application to read the source and create an interface file that is presented to your ETL. With a PULL strategy, the DW maintains the application to read the source.

18 The ETL Process - Data Extraction and Preparation
Stage I Extract Stage II Analyze, Clean and Transform Periodic Refresh/ Update Data Movement and Load Stage III

19 The ETL Process – A simplified picture
OLTP Systems Transform Staging Area OLTP Systems Data Warehouse Load Extract OLTP Systems Stage I Stage II Stage III

20 The ETL Process – Step1 Capture = extract…obtaining a snapshot of a chosen subset of the source data for loading into the data warehouse Incremental extract = capturing changes that have occurred since the last static extract Static extract = capturing a snapshot of the source data at a point in time

21 The ETL Process – Step2 Scrub = cleanse…uses pattern recognition and AI techniques to upgrade data quality Fixing errors: misspellings, erroneous dates, incorrect field usage, mismatched addresses, missing data, duplicate data, inconsistencies Also: decoding, reformatting, time stamping, conversion, key generation, merging, error detection/logging, locating missing data

22 The ETL Process – Step3 Record-level: Field-level:
Transform = convert data from format of operational system to format of data warehouse Record-level: Selection – data partitioning Joining – data combining Aggregation – data summarization Field-level: Single-field – from one field to one field Multi-field – from many fields to one, or one field to many

23 The ETL Process – Step4 Load/Index= place transformed data into the warehouse and create indexes Refresh mode: bulk rewriting of target data at periodic intervals Update mode: only changes in source data are written to data warehouse

24 The ETL Process - Data Transformation
Transforms the data in accordance with the business rules and standards that have been established Example include: format changes, de-duplication, splitting up fields, replacement of codes, derived values, and aggregates

25 Scrubbing/Cleansing Data
Sophisticated transformation tools used for improving the quality of data Clean data is vital for the success of the warehouse Example Seshadri, Sheshadri, Sesadri, Seshadri S., Srinivasan Seshadri, etc. are the same person

26 Reasons for “Dirty” data
Dummy Values Absence of Data Multipurpose Fields Cryptic Data Contradicting Data Inappropriate Use of Address Lines Violation of Business Rules Reused Primary Keys Non-Unique Identifiers Data Integration Problems

27 The ETL Process - Data Cleansing
Source systems contain “dirty data” that must be cleansed ETL software contains rudimentary data cleansing capabilities Specialized data cleansing software is often used. Important for performing name and address correction and house holding functions Leading data cleansing/Quality Technology vendors include IBM (QualityStage & ProfileStage), Harte-Hanks (Trillium Software), SAS (DataFlux) and Firstlogic

28 Steps in Data Cleansing
Parsing Correcting Standardizing Matching Consolidating

29 Parsing Parsing locates and identifies individual data elements in the source files and then isolates these data elements in the target files. Examples include parsing the first, middle, and last name; street number and street name; and city and state.

30 Correcting Corrects parsed individual data components using sophisticated data algorithms and secondary data sources. Example include replacing a vanity address and adding a zip code.

31 Standardizing Standardizing applies conversion routines to transform data into its preferred (and consistent) format using both standard and custom business rules. Examples include adding a pre name, replacing a nickname, and using a preferred street name.

32 Matching Searching and matching records within and across the parsed, corrected and standardized data based on predefined business rules to eliminate duplications. Examples include identifying similar names and addresses.

33 Consolidating Analyzing and identifying relationships between matched records and consolidating/merging them into ONE representation.

34 Data Quality Technology Tools (Vendors)
DataFlux Integration Server & dfPower ® Studio ( Trillium Software Discovery & Trillium Software System ( ProfileStage & QualityStage (

35 MarketScope Update: Data Quality Technology ratings, 2005 (Source: Gartner - June 2005)

36 The ETL Process - Data Loading
Data are physically moved to the data warehouse The loading takes place within a “load window” The trend is to near real time updates of the data warehouse as the warehouse is increasingly used for operational applications

37 Data Loading - First Time Load
First load is a complex exercise Data extracted from tapes, files, archives etc. First time load might take a lot of time to complete

38 Data Refresh Issues: when to refresh?
on every update: too expensive, only necessary if OLAP queries need current data (e.g., up-the-minute stock quotes) periodically (e.g., every 24 hours, every week) or after “significant” events refresh policy set by administrator based on user needs and traffic possibly different policies for different sources how to refresh?

39 Data Refresh Data refreshing can follow two approaches :
Complete Data Refresh Completely refresh the target table every time Data Trickle Load Replicate only net changes and update the target database

40 Data Refresh Techniques
Snapshot Approach - Full extract from base tables read entire source table or database: expensive may be the only choice for legacy databases or files. Incremental techniques (related to work on active DBs) detect & propagate changes on base tables: replication servers (e.g., Sybase, Oracle, IBM Data Propagator) snapshots & triggers (Oracle) transaction shipping (Sybase) Logical correctness computing changes to star tables computing changes to derived and summary tables optimization: only significant changes transactional correctness: incremental load

41 ETL Solution Options ETL Custom Solution Generic Solution

42 Custom Solution Using RDBMS staging tables and stored procedures
Programming languages like C, C++, Perl, Visual Basic etc Building a code generator

43 Custom Solution – Typical components
Snapshots for dimension tables PL/SQL extraction procedure Complex views for transformation Control table and highly parameterized/generic extraction process Extract From Source Control table driven Highly configurable process PL/SQL procedure Checks performed - referential integrity, Y2K, elementary statistics, business rules Mechanism to flag the records as bad / reject Data Quality Multiple Stars extracted as separate groups Pro*C programs using embedded SQL Surrogate key generation mechanism ASCII file downloads generated for load into warehouse Generate Download Files Control Program Time window based extraction Restart at point of failure High level of error handling Control metadata captured in Oracle tables Facility to launch failure recovery programs Automatically

44 Generic Solution Address limitations (in scalability & complexity) of manual coding The need to deliver quantifiable business value Functionality, Reliability and Viability are no longer major issues

45 Characteristics of ETL Tools
Provides facility to specify a large number of transformation rules with a GUI Generate programs to transform data Handle multiple data sources Handle data redundancy Generate metadata as output Most tools exploit parallelism by running on multiple low-cost servers in multi-threaded environment Support data extraction, cleansing, aggregation, reorganization, transformation, and load operations Generate and maintain centralized metadata Closely integrated with various RDBMS Filter data, convert codes, calculate derived values, map many source data fields to one target data field Automatic generation of data extract programs High speed loading of target data warehouses

46 Types of ETL Tools First-generation Code-generation products
Generate the source code Second-generation Engine-driven products Generate directly executable code Note: Due to more efficient architecture, second generation tools have significant advantage over first-generation

47 Types of ETL Tools - First-Generation
Extraction, transformation,load process run on server or host GUI interface is used to define extraction/ transformation processes Detailed transformations require coding in COBOL or C Extract program is generated automatically as source code. Source code is compiled, scheduled, and run in batch mode Uses intermediate files Program is single threaded and cannot use parallel processors Little metadata is generated automatically

48 First-Generation ETL Tools – Strengths and Limitations
Tools are mature Programmers are familiar with code generation in COBOL or C Limitations High cost of products Complex training Extract programs have to compiled from source Many transformations have to coded manually Lack of parallel execution support Most metadata to be manually generated

49 First-Generation ETL Tools – Examples
SAS/Warehouse Administrator Prism from Prism Solutions Passport from Apertus Carleton Corp ETI-EXTRACT Tool Suite from Evolutionary Technologies Copy Manager from Information Builders

50 Types of ETL Tools - Second-Generation
Extraction/Transformation/Load runs on server Data directly extracted from source and processed on server Data transformation in memory and written directly to warehouse database. High throughput since intermediate files are not used Directly executable code Support for monitoring, scheduling, extraction, scrubbing, transformation, load, index, aggregation, metadata Multi-threading with use of parallel processors Automatic generation of high percentage of metadata

51 Second-Generation ETL Tools – Strengths and Limitations
Lower cost suites, platforms, and environment Fast, efficient, and multi-threaded ETL functions highly integrated and automated Open, extensible metadata Limitations Not mature Initial tools oriented only to RDBMS sources

52 Second-Generation ETL Tools – Examples
PowerMart from Informatica DataStage from Ardent Data Mart Solution from Sagent Technology Tapestry from D2K

53 ETL Tools - Examples DataStage from Ascential Software
SAS System from SAS Institute Power Mart/Power Center from Informatica Sagent Solution from Sagent Software Hummingbird Genio Suite from Hummingbird Communications

54 ETL Tool - General Selection criteria
Business Vision/Considerations Overall IT strategy/Architecture Over all cost of Ownership Vendor Positioning in the Market Performance In-house Expertise available User friendliness Training requirements to existing users References from other customers

55 ETL Tool – Specific Selection criteria
Support to retrieve, cleanse, transform, summarize, aggregate, and load data Engine-driven products for fast, parallel operation Generate and manage central metadata repository Open metadata exchange architecture Provide end-users with access to metadata in business terms Support development of logical and physical data models

56 ETL Tool - Selection criteria
Ease of Use / Development Capabilities Target Database Loading Data Transformation and Repair Complexity Operations Management/ Process Automation Metadata Management and Administration Data Extraction & Integration complexity High Rating Low Rating ETI Extract SAS Warehouse Administrator Informatica PowerCenter Platinum Decision Base Ardent DataStage Data Mirror Transformation Server Ardent Warehouse Executive Carleton Pureview Source: Gartner Report

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