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1 Towards Phase 2 TP releases 2013 Didier Contardo, Jeff Spalding Status of current simulations studies and ongoing issues Needs for TP preparation.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Towards Phase 2 TP releases 2013 Didier Contardo, Jeff Spalding Status of current simulations studies and ongoing issues Needs for TP preparation."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Towards Phase 2 TP releases 2013 Didier Contardo, Jeff Spalding Status of current simulations studies and ongoing issues Needs for TP preparation

2 Aging and Luminosity scenarios for MC production 2 Note: in addition, for reference aging studies, some detectors want to have MC of the integrate luminosity points at 0 pile-up UPO Apr. 19

3 Aging and Luminosity scenarios for MC production 3 UPO Apr. 19

4 4 Plans for simulation studies: Snowmass WP and ECFA Workshop  Targeting Snowmass, ECFA -Full Simulation (for ECFA workshop) HH  bbγγ and VBF H  ττ 1)Phase 1 detector 140 pile-up w/o Calo aging (samples becoming available) 2)Phase 2 new Tracker 140 pile-up no Calo aging (need track reconstruction) -Delphes near term studies (with pileup model, and resolutions as input) VBF H  ττ to validate against full simulation Full program of Higgs & BSM benchmarks selected for Snowmass/ECFA Sample production very fast, configurations very flexible 1)Upgrade with current Calo and HF geometry – study performance with enhanced EE/HB resolution/granularity and high η Tracking 2)Upgrade with Calo and tracking η extension (w/o HF plug) -Fast Simulation (tool is now working, include new tracker with η extension) VBF H  ττ to validate against Full Simulation and compare with Delphes Add calorimeter parameterization and η extension and muon η extension  Targeting Technical Proposal (readiness by end 2013) -Fast Simulation + track reconstruction and/or Full Simulation to be decided soon? DESY week (Friday)

5 Phase 2 Scope Consideration (following Upgrade Week workshop at DESY June3-7, 2013) 5 L1 Trigger Upgrade Push (Si TK)/Pull (Pixel) Track Trigger New Tracker Barrel-EndCap (silicon and pixels) Endcap/Forward Calorimeters EE/EB FE DT minicrates Complete 1.6<η<2.4 Muon s Also: Shielding and Infrastructure + YB0 services + Trigger/DAQ … Extend pixel η coverage R&D on precision timing is considered an option for calorimeter upgrades Extend muon η range New EE and HE extended η coverage* CSC FEB Maintain current HF New HF New EE - HE same absorber, new active elements Key: Red indicates primary scope consideration Green indicates options under study Notes:  * Technical & radiological implications of extending endcap  range are under investigation -Shutdown duration and logistics, and staging options are under consideration -Cost assessment and physics performance studies are ongoing “10µs, 0.5MHz” “20µs, 1MHz” WGM following DESY week

6 Physics benchmarks for Snowmass WP and ECFA Workshop EB (Jun 18) Chris Hill

7 Physics benchmarks for ECFA Workshop ECFA PG (Jun 21)

8 Configuration 1a Corresponds to the Phase I MC Used to compare the full analysis of the bench mark analyses between Delphes and FullSim Phase I Configuration 1b Corresponds to the Phase I MC with aging Used for extended studies of aged Phase I detector to motivate upgrade Configuration 2a Corresponds to Scenario 1 (replace EE and retrofit HE) Use EE shashlik resolution and transverse size Increase phi segmentation for HE to 4x (demonstrate impact) Use Phase II tracker (barrel + endcap) Complete muon coverage 1.6 < η < 2.4 Exclude η > 4.5 to simulate radiation damage in HF Configuration 2b Same as configuration 2a but with extended tracker Configuration 3 Corresponds to Scenario 2 (replace the Endcap) Extended coverage (tracker + calorimeter + muon) η ~ 4 Use same segmentation and resolution as for 2a Exclude η > 4.5 to simulate radiation damage in HF Delphes: Phase 2 detector scenarios for Snowmass WP and ECFA Workshop USSTF June 19

9 9 Full and Fast Simulation: Phase 2 detector scenarios o Window for MC production for the TP is beginning of 2014 o Document for the CWR should be ready July 2014  Need a release for performance studies by end of 2013 o Phase 2 Scenario 1 -New tracker BE7 or 5 -Generic EE + HE (retrofit) + HF (eta<4.5) -Muons 1.6<eta<2.4 -w/o pixel extension up to 4 o Phase 2 Scenario 2 -New tracker BE7 or 5 -Generic integrated forward calorimeter -Muons 1.6<eta<2.4 -w/o pixel/calo/muon(tagging) extension up to 4 o L1-Trigger with crystal granularity, tracks and high bandwidth Notes: Geometry and Reconstruction code are identical for Full and Fast simulations Generic Calorimetry means: variable transverse and longitudinal segmentations - can be collapsed in reconstruction - resolutions are parameterized For discussion

10 10 Full and Fast simulation studies: Target dates for integrated releases o ECFA studies -Full simulation with BE7/5 Geometries and Tracking (HH  bbγγ and VBF H  ττ)  ready for MC production second week of July ? -Fast simulation with BE7/5 Geometry + Pixel extension + EE geometry + HE without aging + Current HF (eta<4.5) + Tracking + first GED version (cross check Delphes)  ready for MC production second week of July ? -Phase 1 trigger emulation  ? o TP studies -Full/Fast simulation complete scenario 1 and scenario 2 geometries  End of Sept. -Full/Fast simulation Reconstruction and GED  End of Oct. (Upgrade week) -Phase 2 Trigger primitives and algorithms  End of Oct. (Upgrade week) -Full/Fast simulation release for TP MC production  End of December For discussion

11 11 Status at UPO June 28 2013 o Still open questions for ECFA - RRB and beyond  approval at Taipei Sept 9 -Tuning ECAL reconstruction with aging? staging scenarios? -HCAL phase 1 reconstruction and aging studies ? does HE survive LS2/LS3 -Tracking phase 2 ? Needed for ECFA full simulation studies -Fast simulation with extensions - parameterized calorimetry? validate Delphes - first simulations with both new Tracker and Forward Calorimeters -Trigger emulation Phase 1 ? Muons, stage 2 algorithms o TP preparation need -Tracker new pixel with extension -Forward Calorimeter scenarios Geometry and local reconstruction -Muon completion and extension -Global Reconstruction (physics object reconstruction tuning) -Trigger emulation Phase 2 ? New primitives and algorithms -Analyses: tuning for high PU  Projects (TK, ECAL, HCAL, Muons) & Working Groups (TPS, FD) to provide their plan (commitment with steps - delivery dates & names of responsible) For discussion

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