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VOICE. Vocal Warm-ups  Stretch your face  Big face, little face  Vocal Warm-Ups  Annunciate, use good diction Diction: A way of speaking, usually.

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2 Vocal Warm-ups  Stretch your face  Big face, little face  Vocal Warm-Ups  Annunciate, use good diction Diction: A way of speaking, usually assessed in terms of prevailing standards of pronunciation  Fully open mouth  Speak loudly  Work vowel and consonant sounds in English language

3 Why warm up?  Good speech takes muscle  Leg muscles work better when warmed up, same with your voice  Stronger, clearer voice  Clear and crisp articulation  Easier to understand  Able to talk longer without vocal fatigue

4 Vocal Warm-ups  Warm up by using your voice, making sounds but no words, as follows: * Fast to slow tempo * Slow to fast tempo * High to low notes * Low to high notes * Loud to soft sound * Soft to loud sound * Repeat sound in short bursts * Repeat sound, held as long as breath permits

5 Vocal Warm-ups  A (pronounced ah)  ah - zah - ah - zah - ah - zah - ah  bah - yah - bah - yah - bah - yah - bah  cah - xah - dah - xah - cah - xah - cah  dah - wah - dah - dah - gah - dah - gah  E (pronounced eh)  feh - veh - feh - veh - feh - veh - feh  geh - teh - geh - teh - geh - teh - geh  heh - seh - heh - seh - heh - seh - heh  jeh - reh - jeh - reh - jeh - reh - jeh  I (pronounced ee)  kee - nee - kee - nee - kee - nee - kee  lee - mee - lee - mee - lee - mee - lee  mee - lee - mee - lee - mee - lee - mee  nee - kee - nee - kee - nee - kee - nee  O (pronounced oh)  poh - joh - poh - joh - poh - joh - poh  roh - hoh - roh - hoh - roh - hoh - roh  soh - goh - soh - goh - soh - goh - soh  toh - foh - toh - foh - toh - foh - toh  U (pronounced oo)  voo - doo - voo - doo - voo - doo - voo  woo - coo - woo - coo - woo - coo - woo  yoo - boo - yoo - boo - yoo - boo - yoo  zoo - oo - zoo - oo - zoo - oo - zoo

6 Vocal Warm-Ups  Warming up and warming down is worth a little time.  Much can be accomplished with some rhythm and some rhyme.  They will help your voice to help itself to get to maxi-range.  Even though the sounds of them can be a little strange.

7 Vocal Warm-ups  Ugly vampires wear extraordinarily yellow zippers.  Honduras has horrible hamburgers.  Babbling, Ben brought Babs to behave badly.  David tried drying tomatoes daily, due to Dina's tremendous diet.  Mashed Potato. Smashed Tomato.  Baked Tomato. Burned Potato.  Lunch with Potatoes. Dinner with Tomatoes.  Potato, Tomato. Tomatoes, Potatoes.

8 Voice inflection  Tone, pitch, volume  On stage, exaggerate pitch change  No! No!! No!!!  No? No?? No???  Well  Go  Maybe  Please  Hey  Wow  So

9 Voice Inflection  Practice voice inflection sentences  Practice volume sentences

10 Monologues  New Project

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