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L. Fiscarelli O. Dunkel, J. Feuvrier, S. Izquierdo Bermudez, G. Willering International Review of the HL-LHC 11 T Dipole for DS collimation December 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "L. Fiscarelli O. Dunkel, J. Feuvrier, S. Izquierdo Bermudez, G. Willering International Review of the HL-LHC 11 T Dipole for DS collimation December 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 L. Fiscarelli O. Dunkel, J. Feuvrier, S. Izquierdo Bermudez, G. Willering International Review of the HL-LHC 11 T Dipole for DS collimation December 2014

2 Click here to add footer 2 Outline Magnetic measurement systems Measurement results TF Allowed multipoles Other multipoles σ of multipoles and mechanical tolerances Ramp rate dependence Magnetization Field repeatability Effect of temperature New measurement shafts Conclusions L. Fiscarelli International Review of the HL-LHC 11 T Dipole for DS collimation, December 2014

3 Click here to add footer 3 Measurement system 300 K o Motor + encoder + slip-ring unit (MRU) o Fast Digital Integrator (FDI) o FuG low voltage power supply (40 V, 20 A) o DCCT Hitec MACC-plus o Search coil shafts (radius 22 mm, length 1.2 m) o Flexible software Framework for Magnetic Measurements (FFMM) Number of turns(-)256 Inner width(mm)13.41 Inner length(mm)1195.6 Groove thickness(mm)1.4 Magnetic surface(m 2 )3.3669 Center radius(mm)21.330 L. Fiscarelli International Review of the HL-LHC 11 T Dipole for DS collimation, December 2014 A measurement is an average over 1.2 m

4 Click here to add footer 4 Measurement system 1.9 K o Flexible software Framework for Magnetic Measurements (FFMM) o Fast Digital Integrators (FDI) o Motor + encoder + slip-ring unit (MRU) o Vertical rotating shaft in liquid He L. Fiscarelli International Review of the HL-LHC 11 T Dipole for DS collimation, December 2014 Number of turns(-)150 Inner width(mm)6.43 Inner length(mm)250.00 Groove thickness(mm)0.80 Magnetic surface(m 2 )0.28197 Center radius(mm)18.91 pos. 1 pos. 2 pos. 3 pos. 4 pos. 5 A measurement is an average over 250 mm

5 Click here to add footer 5 At 1.9 K  -30 units measured on geometric  +55 units measured on saturation at 11 kA At 300 K  +50 units measured on geometric Transfer function L. Fiscarelli International Review of the HL-LHC 11 T Dipole for DS collimation, December 2014 Measurements vs model 300K I20A center50units 1.9K I411kA pos. 1-3221units pos. 2-2729units pos. 3-4029units

6 Click here to add footer 6 Stair-step cycle Simulated machine cycle Allowed multipoles  25 unit of change during up-ramp from 760  Decay and snap─back of ~1.2 units L. Fiscarelli International Review of the HL-LHC 11 T Dipole for DS collimation, December 2014 Reference radius 17 mm

7 Click here to add footer 7 Other multipoles L. Fiscarelli International Review of the HL-LHC 11 T Dipole for DS collimation, December 2014 centerpos 1pos 2pos 3 Temp.3001.9 K TF9.987E-049.930E-049.934E-049.922E-04T/A nbnanbnanbnanbnan 2-0.133.730.865.47-0.595.11-2.144.66 units at 17 mm 37.00-0.116.35-1.215.25-0.784.60-1.75 40.16-2.600.301.72-0.510.99-0.19-0.26 6- 70.180.00-0.06-0.19-0.22- 8-0.09-0.21-0.010.10- 90.760.010.89-0.200.85-0.320.80-0.33 10-0.07-0.080.00-0.00-0.010.00-0.020.01 110.340.040.37-0.060.37-0.120.39-0.14 Reference radius 17 mm

8 Click here to add footer 8 σ of multipoles and tolerances L. Fiscarelli International Review of the HL-LHC 11 T Dipole for DS collimation, December 2014 measurementstolerances σ TF6.23 - units at 17 mm nσ bnσ anσ bnσ an 21.500.411.701.82 30.880.491.081.18 40.411.000.620.67 50.430.260.350.39 80.030.06 0.05  σ of measured multipoles is compatible with random block displacements of 60  m  small sample size for statistics Reference radius 17 mm

9 Click here to add footer 9 Ramp rate dependence L. Fiscarelli International Review of the HL-LHC 11 T Dipole for DS collimation, December 2014 A/s010204080010204080  b n at 5 kA (units)  a n at 5 kA (units) 50.00-0.04-0.05-0.10-0.170.00 -0.01 60.00 0.01 -0.03-0.01-0.03-0.01 80.000.03 90.00 0.01 0.00 0.01 0.04 100.00 Small ramp-rate effects both on TF and multipoles. Stainless steel core works well. Reference radius 17 mm

10 Click here to add footer 10 Magnetization at 1.9 K  Difference on measured/modelled magnetization contribution on TF  Better agreement on b 3 L. Fiscarelli International Review of the HL-LHC 11 T Dipole for DS collimation, December 2014 Reference radius 17 mm

11 Click here to add footer 11 Field repeatability L. Fiscarelli International Review of the HL-LHC 11 T Dipole for DS collimation, December 2014  The field is repeatable within the measurement precision both for TF and multipoles Reference radius 17 mm

12 Click here to add footer 12 Effect of temperature Magnetization contribution results to be  larger at 1.9 K on TF  smaller at 1.9 K on b 3 Measurements at 4.3 K show noise due to flux jumps L. Fiscarelli International Review of the HL-LHC 11 T Dipole for DS collimation, December 2014 Courtesy of L. Bottura

13 Click here to add footer 13 Field repeatability at low current L. Fiscarelli International Review of the HL-LHC 11 T Dipole for DS collimation, December 2014 At 1.9 K  Noise up to 600 A  Both on TF and multipoles At 4.3 K  No noise at low current  Noise of smaller amplitude at higher current

14 Click here to add footer 14 New shaft for 2-m models at 1.9 K Design  7 sectors  Dipole compensation scheme (3 tangential coils/sector)  l = 434 mm to cover the coil heads, end field and splice region  l = 249 mm in the straight part  Measurement radius of 22 mm  Full rotation symmetry for high rotation speed  Possible use for quench location Production baseline  Design ready, orders placed  Delivery expected Dec. 2014  Coil winding Jan. 2015  Assembly and Calibration Feb. 2015  Shaft operational end Feb. 2015 L. Fiscarelli International Review of the HL-LHC 11 T Dipole for DS collimation, December 2014

15 Click here to add footer 15 New shaft for models at 300 K L. Fiscarelli International Review of the HL-LHC 11 T Dipole for DS collimation, December 2014 Production baseline o Design ready, inquiries under way o Delivery expected mid Feb. 2015 o Coil winding Feb./Mar. 2015 o Assembly and Calibration Mar./Apr. 2015 o Shaft operational end Apr. 2015 Shaft design o 3 sectors, l = 130 mm/each o 5 tangential coils/sector – due to an existing standard o Measurement radius 22 mm o Horizontal position

16 Click here to add footer 16 Conclusions MBHSP101 has been tested at room temperature cryogenic temperature Measured geometric TF results to be in agreement with model Saturation seems to be overestimated by the model Difference on measured/modelled magnetization contribution on TF Allowed multipoles are in agreement with model Non-allowed multipoles are compatible with mechanical tolerances of 60  m Low ramp rate dependence as expected Noise from flux jumps noticeable L. Fiscarelli International Review of the HL-LHC 11 T Dipole for DS collimation, December 2014

17 Click here to add footer 17 Annex 1: voltage jumps at 1.9 K L. Fiscarelli International Review of the HL-LHC 11 T Dipole for DS collimation, December 2014 Courtesy of G. Willering

18 Click here to add footer 18 Annex 2: current cycles L. Fiscarelli International Review of the HL-LHC 11 T Dipole for DS collimation, December 2014

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