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THE TREATMENT OF ANIMALS A2 Ethics. Today’s aims To apply Utilitarianism, Kantian ethics and Virtue ethics to the issue of:  The treatment of animals.

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Presentation on theme: "THE TREATMENT OF ANIMALS A2 Ethics. Today’s aims To apply Utilitarianism, Kantian ethics and Virtue ethics to the issue of:  The treatment of animals."— Presentation transcript:


2 Today’s aims To apply Utilitarianism, Kantian ethics and Virtue ethics to the issue of:  The treatment of animals To decide which theory has the best approach to the issue

3 A river tumbles through forested ravines and rocky gorges towards the sea. The state hydro-electricity commission sees the falling water as untapped energy. Building a dam across one of the gorges would provide three years of employment for a thousand people, and longer term employment for twenty or thirty. The dam would store enough water to ensure that the state could economically meet its energy needs for the next decade. This would encourage the establishment of energy-intensive industry, thus further contributing to employment and economic growth. The rough terrain of the river valley makes it accessible only to the reasonably fit, but it is nevertheless a favoured spot for bush-walking. The river itself attracts the more daring white-water rafters. Deep in the sheltered valleys are stands of rare Huon Pine, many of the trees being over a thousand years old. The valleys and gorges are home to many birds and animals, including an endangered species of marsupial mouse that has seldom been found outside the valley. There may be other rare plants and animals as well, but no-one knows, for scientists are yet to investigate the region fully. Should the dam be built? Peter Singer, Practical Ethics

4 Should the dam be built? What do your thoughts reveal about modern attitudes towards the natural world? Is employment more important than the environment?

5 Speciesism What qualities / characteristics make a human’s life more valuable than an animal’s life? Give examples of humans who don’t possess these qualities / characteristics:

6 Paul Taylor Paul Taylor argues that plants and animals are valuable because they are a ‘subject of a life.’ There are things that are in an animal’s interests – e.g. not to be killed. This means that their interests should be included in our moral decision-making. If we fail to include animals in our moral decisions we are being prejudiced – favouring our own species, but not for a defensible reason.

7 Task – 20 minutes Read p.47-48 in your booklet Note down views about the treatment of animals from:  Utilitarianism  Kantian Ethics  Virtue Ethics

8 The treatment of animals Evaluation UtilitarianismKantian ethicsVirtue ethics

9 Rank the theories Which theory has the best approach to the treatment of animals? Why have you picked this one? Which theory has the least helpful approach to the treatment of animals? Why have you picked this one?

10 Example 12-mark questions How might a follower of Kantian ethics view the moral status of animals? How might a utilitarian view the moral status of animals?

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