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INTENSIVE ENGLISH COURSE Teacher: Umida Giyasova The Head scientific and methodological center.

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Presentation on theme: "INTENSIVE ENGLISH COURSE Teacher: Umida Giyasova The Head scientific and methodological center."— Presentation transcript:

1 INTENSIVE ENGLISH COURSE Teacher: Umida Giyasova The Head scientific and methodological center

2 THE ABC Aa [ei] Bb [bi:] Cc [si:] Dd [di:] Ee [i:] Ff [ef] Gg [dзi] Hh [eit∫] Ii [ai] Jj [dзei] Kk [kei] Ll [el] Mm [em] Nn [en] Oo [ou] Pp [pi:] Qq [kju:] Rr [a:] Ss [es] Tt [ti:] Uu [ju:] Vv [vi:] Ww [dΛbl ju:] Xx [eks] Yy [wai] Zz [zed]

3 positive Iam(I'm) He She It is (he's) (she's) ( it's) We You They are (we're) (you're) (they're) To be (am / is / are) negative Iam not(I'm not) He She It is not (he's not or he isn't) She is not (she's not or she isn't) It (it's not or it isn't) We You They a re not (we're not or we aren't) You are not (you're not or you aren't) They (they're not or they aren't)

4 Am I? Yes, I am.No, I'm not. Is he? she? it? he Yes, she is. It he's he No, she's not. or No, she isn't.. it's it Are we? you? they ? we Yes, you are. They we're we No, you're not. or No, you aren't they're they

5 NUMERALS (Cardinal)  ZERO - 0  ONE-1  TWO-2  THREE-3  FOUR-4  FIVE-5  SIX-6  SEVEN-7  EIGHT-8  NINE-9  TEN-10  ELEVEN-11  TWELVE-12  THIRTEEN-13  FOURTEEN-14  FIFTEEN-15  SIXTEEN-16  SEVENTEEN-17  EIGHTEEN-18  NINETEEN-19  TWENTY-20  THIRTY-30  FOURTY-40  ONE HUNDRED-100  ONE THOUSAND-1000  ONE MILLION-1000000

6 NUMERALS ORDINAL 1 the first 16 the sixteenth 2 the second 17 the seventeenth 3 the third 18 the eighteenth 4 the forth 19 the nineteenth 5 the fifth 20 the twentieth 6 the sixth 30 the thirtieth 7 the seventh 40 the fortieth 8 the eighth 50 the fiftieth 9 the ninth 60 the sixtieth 10 the tenth 70 the seventieth 11 the eleventh 80 the eightieth 12 the twelfth 90 the ninetieth 13 the thirteenth 100 the hundredth 14 the fourteenth 65 the sixty-fifth 15 the fifteenth 83 the eighty-third

7 The months of a year December is the first winter month. January is the second winter month. February is the third winter month. March is the first spring month. April is the second spring month. May is the third spring month. June is the first summer month. July is the second summer month. August is the third summer month. September is the first autumn month. October is the second autumn month. November is the third autumn month.

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