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Note: The text of the following slides does not represent the views of the European Commission. All the slides have been discussed and debated by the audience,

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Presentation on theme: "Note: The text of the following slides does not represent the views of the European Commission. All the slides have been discussed and debated by the audience,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Note: The text of the following slides does not represent the views of the European Commission. All the slides have been discussed and debated by the audience, they are a rough summary of more complex work undergone by the forum participants. Please read the forum report and conclusion for more accurate information.

2 Issue area: Business models 1.AGREE 2.DISAGREE 3.UNSURE Fostering new business models along the value chain. The EU should facilitate strategic dialogue, inviting all value chain actors for a chosen consumer product to define key sustainable products and brainstorm how concrete business model can achieve them.

3 Issue area: Business models 1.AGREE 2.DISAGREE 3.UNSURE Selling services/ functions instead of only selling a product taking into account customers’ needs and ecological values.

4 Issue area: Vision/ Goal setting 1.AGREE 2.DISAGREE 3.UNSURE Global vision is essential for pulling technologies. Quantification is a necessary part.

5 Issue area: Legal framework 1.AGREE 2.DISAGREE 3.UNSURE EU should provide a coherent predictable, dynamic, enforceable long-term regulations which combine obligatory standards with voluntary tools to be firm and flexible at the same time.

6 Issue area: Financing gaps in innovation chain 1.AGREE 2.DISAGREE 3.UNSURE Create a superfund to bring eco-innovation to market (“trillions of Euro”).

7 Issue area: SMEs 1.AGREE 2.DISAGREE 3.UNSURE Financing the breakthrough innovations.

8 Issue area: SMEs 1.AGREE 2.DISAGREE 3.UNSURE Reduction of bureaucratic requirements at proposal application stage.

9 Issue area: Consumer education and awareness raising 1.AGREE 2.DISAGREE 3.UNSURE Pan-European media campaign – To inform citizens of the benefits of eco-innovation, partly funded by EU Commission.

10 Issue area: Policy frameworks 1.AGREE 2.DISAGREE 3.UNSURE Synergy should be created between relevant DGs within the EC. This will ensure a clear strategy and a clear vision. This lays the basis.

11 Issue area: Policy frameworks 1.AGREE 2.DISAGREE 3.UNSURE There must be a consistent and robust vision leading to specific operational objectives to give certainty to the business community (eg. All new buildings after certain date must be passive buildings).

12 Issue area: Risks 1.AGREE 2.DISAGREE 3.UNSURE Better (more concise & honest) risk communication on emerging technologies. More transparency.

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