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Adaptive Memory: Survival Processing Enhances Retention. Nairne, J., Thompson, S. & Pandeirada, J. (2007). Adaptive Memory: Survival Processing Enhances.

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Presentation on theme: "Adaptive Memory: Survival Processing Enhances Retention. Nairne, J., Thompson, S. & Pandeirada, J. (2007). Adaptive Memory: Survival Processing Enhances."— Presentation transcript:

1 Adaptive Memory: Survival Processing Enhances Retention. Nairne, J., Thompson, S. & Pandeirada, J. (2007). Adaptive Memory: Survival Processing Enhances Retention. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 33, 263- 273.

2 How do Squirrels Fuction? eNGk&feature=related eNGk&feature=related eNGk&feature=related eNGk&feature=related

3 Introduction Hypothesis: What are the mnemonic consequences of processing information in terms of its ultimate survival value? Hypothesis: What are the mnemonic consequences of processing information in terms of its ultimate survival value? Free Recall of words after a short distracter task to see if there was better retention for relevant words, and if so, if there if it is better for words related to survival. Free Recall of words after a short distracter task to see if there was better retention for relevant words, and if so, if there if it is better for words related to survival. Originally contained three conditions: Survival, Moving, and Pleasantness. Originally contained three conditions: Survival, Moving, and Pleasantness.

4 Operationally Defined The IV was each group; between subjects The IV was each group; between subjects The DV was how many words could be recalled as well as other measures depending on the experiment The DV was how many words could be recalled as well as other measures depending on the experiment Four experiments were conducted in this study Four experiments were conducted in this study

5 Conditions Survival: imagine your own a grassland of a foreign land without any basic survival materials. Over the next few months, you’ll need to find steady supplies of food and water and protect yourself from predators Survival: imagine your own a grassland of a foreign land without any basic survival materials. Over the next few months, you’ll need to find steady supplies of food and water and protect yourself from predators Moving: imagine you are planning to move to a new home in a foreign land. Over the next few months, you’ll need to locate and purchase a new home and transport your belongings Moving: imagine you are planning to move to a new home in a foreign land. Over the next few months, you’ll need to locate and purchase a new home and transport your belongings Pleasantness: rate the pleasantness of each word Pleasantness: rate the pleasantness of each word

6 Experiment One Method Method 150 Purdue undergraduates150 Purdue undergraduates Randomly assigned to one conditionRandomly assigned to one condition Asked to rate words according to that conditionAsked to rate words according to that condition Given a short digit-recall taskGiven a short digit-recall task Then given 10 minutes to recall the wordsThen given 10 minutes to recall the words Results: Free recall was significantly higher for survival (60%) to the other two being in the mid 50s Results: Free recall was significantly higher for survival (60%) to the other two being in the mid 50s

7 Experiment Two Method Method Thirty Eight Purdue UndergraduatesThirty Eight Purdue Undergraduates Rated Thirty Two target words (sixteen for survival, and sixteen for moving); within subjectsRated Thirty Two target words (sixteen for survival, and sixteen for moving); within subjects Pleasantness was taken out of studyPleasantness was taken out of study Same procedures as beforeSame procedures as before Results: survival 55%, Moving 45% recalled Results: survival 55%, Moving 45% recalled 71% of people recalled more survival words71% of people recalled more survival words

8 Experiment Three Method Method Forty Purdue UndergraduatesForty Purdue Undergraduates Same as experiment two except that more words were used (32 survival, 32 moving, and 64 distractor)Same as experiment two except that more words were used (32 survival, 32 moving, and 64 distractor) Computer recognition task followed 10 minutes of digit recallComputer recognition task followed 10 minutes of digit recall Given all words and asked if it was old or new, there was no time limitGiven all words and asked if it was old or new, there was no time limit Results: both conditions had words recognized at a level above 90% but survival condition was still higher Results: both conditions had words recognized at a level above 90% but survival condition was still higher

9 Experiment Four Method Method Fifty Purdue UndergraduatesFifty Purdue Undergraduates Rated words on survival and self reference (16 for both)Rated words on survival and self reference (16 for both) Self reference condition: “how easily the word brings to mind an important personal experience”Self reference condition: “how easily the word brings to mind an important personal experience” Two minute digit recall test followed by a 10 minute free recall periodTwo minute digit recall test followed by a 10 minute free recall period Results: survival condition had more words recalled by nearly 20%. Results: survival condition had more words recalled by nearly 20%.

10 Implications It cannot be confirmed that humans have this ability due to the fact that ancestors to humans have developed an evolutionary adaptation to cope with this problem of survival that was passed down through generations. It cannot be confirmed that humans have this ability due to the fact that ancestors to humans have developed an evolutionary adaptation to cope with this problem of survival that was passed down through generations. The idea of a general memory module was proposed as a specialized mechanism for recall of survival scenarios, but this was thrown out because a survival module is too general. The idea of a general memory module was proposed as a specialized mechanism for recall of survival scenarios, but this was thrown out because a survival module is too general. These ideas are evidence that suggest that humans do in fact have some sort of innate ability to remember or recall scenes involving survival better than non-survival situations. The mechanisms which trigger this are still unknown, These ideas are evidence that suggest that humans do in fact have some sort of innate ability to remember or recall scenes involving survival better than non-survival situations. The mechanisms which trigger this are still unknown,

11 Limitations of Article Hypothetical test. Hypothetical test. Participants; no male to female and did not test against different majors in school. Participants; no male to female and did not test against different majors in school. 10 min. free recall too long. could lead to more made up words (experiment 3 had no time restraint as well). 10 min. free recall too long. could lead to more made up words (experiment 3 had no time restraint as well).

12 Three Positive Aspects stayed clear on what they wished to accomplish; high validity. stayed clear on what they wished to accomplish; high validity. Tested many different ways, many designs; good design. Tested many different ways, many designs; good design. Television; caught other proximate and current reasons for results obtained. Television; caught other proximate and current reasons for results obtained. The television shows Lost and Survivor were suggested as causes to peoples’ awareness of the need for survival tactics.The television shows Lost and Survivor were suggested as causes to peoples’ awareness of the need for survival tactics.

13 Multiple Choice What was NOT a proximate mechanism described by the researchers? What was NOT a proximate mechanism described by the researchers? A special memory "module" designed for remembering.A special memory "module" designed for remembering. b. Survival TV showsb. Survival TV shows c. Better education programs at schoolsc. Better education programs at schools d. Mechanisms may have evolved or developed for reasons unrelated to survivald. Mechanisms may have evolved or developed for reasons unrelated to survival Which condition was taken out for the last three experiments? Which condition was taken out for the last three experiments? MovingMoving PleasantnessPleasantness SurvivalSurvival In Experiment three, the words used were broken up into_______ groups In Experiment three, the words used were broken up into_______ groups 4 2 3

14 True or False Subjects tested showed that they were able to remember words in survival situations equally well as when related to themselves. Subjects tested showed that they were able to remember words in survival situations equally well as when related to themselves. This study was conducted using convenient sampling This study was conducted using convenient sampling 100 words were used in experiment three 100 words were used in experiment three

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