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Naohito Saito RIKEN-RBRC Physics at RHIC -Status of the heavy ion collider- Physics at RHIC -Status of the heavy ion collider- Hadron XIII, TIFR, India,

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Presentation on theme: "Naohito Saito RIKEN-RBRC Physics at RHIC -Status of the heavy ion collider- Physics at RHIC -Status of the heavy ion collider- Hadron XIII, TIFR, India,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Naohito Saito RIKEN-RBRC Physics at RHIC -Status of the heavy ion collider- Physics at RHIC -Status of the heavy ion collider- Hadron XIII, TIFR, India, 14-20, January, 1999 Naohito Saito RIKEN / RIKEN BNL Research Center Contents 1. Physics at RHIC 2. Status of RHIC 3. Status of Detectors at RHIC 4. Status of PHENIX 5. Physics with PHENIX

2 Naohito Saito RIKEN-RBRC Physics at RHIC Study of QCD in extreme conditions –heavy ion physics - hot and dense limit –spin physics - high Q 2 with spin d.o.f. Heavy Ion Physics –search for a new state of matter - Quark Gluon Plasma –characterize its physical properties Spin Physics –elucidate the spin structure of the nucleon –search for a physics beyond standard model

3 Naohito Saito RIKEN-RBRC Confinement and QGP Quarks are confined in a hadron –No free quark has been observed They can be free at; –high energy asymptotic freedom –high temperature –high density High temperature –a few  sec after big-bang –in relativistic heavy ion collision

4 Naohito Saito RIKEN-RBRC (Partial) List of QGP Signals Debye Screening –Suppression of quarkonium production Chiral Symmetry Restoration –Shift in mass, width of  –Disoriented Chiral Condensation Thermal Radiation of Hot Gas Strangeness and Charm Production Jet Quenching …

5 Naohito Saito RIKEN-RBRC Debye Screening suppression of quarkonium production CERN NA50 claims anomalous suppression of J/  in Pb+Pb collisions at 158A GeV NP A638 (1998) 261c

6 Naohito Saito RIKEN-RBRC Phase Diagram of Hadronic Matter from hadro-chemical analysis At SPS and AGS, the freeze-out points approach the “boundary”. RHIC and LHC should show clearer signal of phase transition Scale uncertainty

7 Naohito Saito RIKEN-RBRC Spin Sum Rule for the Proton Proton spin=1/2  Quark Spin:  valence quark:  u v,  d v sea quark: Quark Orbital Motion:L q Gluon Spin:  G Gluon Orbital Motion:L g Spin Sum Rule

8 Naohito Saito RIKEN-RBRC “Proton Spin Crisis” Successful Description of Baryon  M by Q uark M odel ”quark carries all proton spin” Puzzling Data from polarized lepton-Nucleon scattering  : total quark spin contribution to the proton spin  s: strange quark contribution to the proton spin Fixes for ”Spin Crisis” –Gluon is polarized :  G > 0 –Anti-quark is polarized: indirect decomposition suggests  s<0 –Steeper small-x

9 Naohito Saito RIKEN-RBRC R elativistic H eavy I on C ollider (RHIC) The first collider for –Heavy Ions: e.g. Au+Au at 200A GeV current max: 18A GeV (CERN SPS) –Polarized Protons at 500 GeV current max: 20 GeV (FNAL) RIKEN BNL Collaboration pp luminosity is for enhanced mode. RHIC Accelerator Specification

10 Naohito Saito RIKEN-RBRC RHIC Spin Project RHIC Spin Project RIKEN-BNL Collaboration acceleration and PHENIX Muon Arm for Spin RIKEN BNL Research Center PHENIX-Computing Center in Japan Siberian snake to maintain polarization Spin Rotators to obtain given polarization

11 Naohito Saito RIKEN-RBRC RHIC as a Polarized Collider AGS Polarization

12 Naohito Saito RIKEN-RBRC The End Game Plan

13 Naohito Saito RIKEN-RBRC RHIC Experiments 2 Large Experiments –PHENIX@8 o’clock ~450 from 41 inst –STAR@6 o’clock ~370 from 37 inst 2 Small Experiments –Phobos@10 o’clock 9 institutions –Brahms@2 o’clock ~50 from 6 countries

14 Naohito Saito RIKEN-RBRC STAR Detector STAR Detector S olenoidal T racker A t R HIC A Large TPC-based Detector System

15 Naohito Saito RIKEN-RBRC STAR Detector in Assembly Hall

16 Naohito Saito RIKEN-RBRC BRAHMS Experiment Charged Hadrons over a wide range of p T and y to study production mechanisms

17 Naohito Saito RIKEN-RBRC PHOBOS Experiment Two-arm magnetic spectrometer of “table-top” size Exclusive use of micro- strip silicon detectors Charged hadrons and leptons at selected solid angles

18 Naohito Saito RIKEN-RBRC PHENIX Detector System 2 Muon Arms –3 stations of tracking chambers –5 layers of  - identifier Central Arm –EMcal –Tracking –RICH, TOF –MVD –BB

19 Naohito Saito RIKEN-RBRC PHENIX Muon Arms Magnet+C athode S trip C hamber +MuID Magnet CSC -100  m 3stations 3 gaps 3 planes MuID 5 layers absorber: North:30+10+10+20+20 cm South:20+10+10+20+20 cm

20 Naohito Saito RIKEN-RBRC PHENIX at Experimental Hall

21 Naohito Saito RIKEN-RBRC PHENIX Priorities in Year-1 1. Sufficient Au+Au running to –Turn-on, calibrate, commission all installed detectors –Reach 20  b -1 integrated L (to tape) 2. Polarized proton commissioning in one ring 3. Anything else (e.g. p+A, lower E, lighter A) Coherent request with STAR RHIC Spin Collaboration ( spokesman: G. Bunce ) proposal –4 weeks of commissioning in the first year

22 Naohito Saito RIKEN-RBRC Example of Year-1 Physics Measurement of hard processes: –General: an auto-generated plasma diagnostics –Specific: dE/dx in deconfined phase ~10x larger than normal nuclear matter NP B483 (1997) 265, NP B484 (1997) 291 Will measure –with an open trigger –study as a function of centrality

23 Naohito Saito RIKEN-RBRC Spin Physics at RHIC Spin Structure of the Nucleon – : Gluon polarization via ,  0,heavy quark productions –  : Anti-quark polarization via Drell-Yan (W,Z,  *) – : Quark transversity Symmetry Tests –parity violating effects, e.g. compositeness QCD Selection Rule –switch off gluon; a TT /a LL <<1 Single Transverse Spin Asymmetry A N –large at low Energy; higher-twist? ; k T asymmetry?

24 Naohito Saito RIKEN-RBRC Prompt Photon Production Gluon Compton Dominates  gluon Comptonannihilation Theoretically clean Experimentally Hard Object Fine granuality of PHENIX EMcal helps

25 Naohito Saito RIKEN-RBRC Prompt Photon A LL and  G Model Calculation with P YTHIA and BS/GS95 @200 GeV BS  G>2 GSA  G =1.71 GSB  G =1.63 GSC  G =1.02

26 Naohito Saito RIKEN-RBRC Anti-quark Helicity Distribution W production –helicity of quarks definitely defined via V-A nature –flavor almost fixed: flavor analysis possible –PHENIX-Muon Arms, EMcal important W yield with 800 pb -1 PYTHIA w/ GRV94LO checked against CDF data

27 Naohito Saito RIKEN-RBRC Prediction and Projected Error Ldt=800 pb -1

28 Naohito Saito RIKEN-RBRC Charmonium Production Asymmetry Prediction with Color Octet Model Yield Estimation with Color Octet Model by Naoki using COM in PYTHIA (hep-ph/9706270) See D. Kharzeev’s transparencies at Spin Discussion at

29 Naohito Saito RIKEN-RBRC HI Collision in STAR Detector Ultra High Particle Density

30 Naohito Saito RIKEN-RBRC Summary RHIC is a unique facility to study QCD in extreme conditions: –heavy ion physics –spin physics RHIC is preparing for the transition from Construction phase to Operation phase. NovemberFirst Physics Run will start in November this year!

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