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Intro MaterialMineralsRocksFaults and Earthquakes Plate Tectonics 100 200 300 400 500 600 FINAL JEOPARDY!

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2 Intro MaterialMineralsRocksFaults and Earthquakes Plate Tectonics 100 200 300 400 500 600 FINAL JEOPARDY!

3 Intro Material: 100 What is the formula for density?

4 Intro Material: 200 Within the density formula I use mass and volume; what are the units for mass and volume?

5 Intro Material: 300 What are the coordinates of Point A? A

6 Intro Material: 400 What line can be found at 0° latitude and 0° longitude respectively?

7 Intro Material: 500 Using the topographic map, discuss how I can tell a steep slope apart from a gentle slope.

8 Intro Material : 600 List, in order, the steps of the Scientific Method.

9 Minerals: 100 What characteristic is least helpful in determining an unknown mineral?

10 Minerals: 200 Describe the streak test.

11 Minerals: 300 What is the name of the most common mineral group.

12 Minerals: 400 This test using a number system from 1-10 when classifying minerals; on the scale a diamond is ranked at #10.

13 Minerals: 500 Compare and contrast cleavage and hardness.

14 Minerals: 600 What are the five characteristics that ALL minerals MUST have?

15 Rocks: 100 What classification do you give metamorphic rocks that are banded or layered?

16 Rocks: 200 What processes create a metamorphic rock?

17 Rocks: 300 What processes create a sedimentary rock?

18 Rocks: 400 Extrusive igneous rocks like obsidian, pumice, and scoria lack crystals because…

19 Rocks: 500 What process occurs when rocks are physically broken down into smaller pieces? (The other version of this requires actual changes in chemical make-up)

20 Rocks: 600 Igneous rocks that cool slowly have _____________ crystals while igneous rocks that cool quickly have ___________ crystals.

21 Faults and Earthquakes: 100 Name the fault.

22 Faults and Earthquakes : 200 Using what we know about seismic waves, how do scientists know what Earth’s interior looks like?

23 Faults and Earthquakes : 300 To find the epicenter of an earthquake, how many seismic stations need to be used (minimally)?

24 Faults and Earthquakes : 400 Determine the approximate distance from the epicenter, if the time between P and S wave arrival is 5 minutes.

25 Faults and Earthquakes : 500 Which seismic wave is recorded first on a seismogram?

26 Faults and Earthquakes : 600 What two types of plate boundaries are most likely to produce earthquakes?

27 Plate Tectonics : 100 Compare and contrast divergent and convergent boundaries.

28 Plate Tectonics : 200 What are the three types of convergent boundaries and which two would form a subduction zone?

29 Plate Tectonics : 300: 300 Near what type of plate boundary would I find a rift valley?

30 Plate Tectonics : 400 What 4 pieces of evidence did Wegener use to prove the continents had moved over time? Why did other scientists reject his hypothesis?

31 Plate Tectonics : 500 Using the idea of seafloor spreading, explain why the youngest rocks are found near the divergent boundary and the oldest rocks are found near the shore.

32 Plate Tectonics : 600 Mountain ranges that form on continents (without volcanic activity) are usually associated with what type of plate boundary?

33 Final Jeopardy C What are the proportions of sand, silt, and clay at Point C in the soil texture triangle?

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