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1/5/16 Plate Tectonics Vocab STARTER: Pushing cart, mass being added, what is going to happen to the force as mass is added.

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Presentation on theme: "1/5/16 Plate Tectonics Vocab STARTER: Pushing cart, mass being added, what is going to happen to the force as mass is added."— Presentation transcript:

1 1/5/16 Plate Tectonics Vocab STARTER: Pushing cart, mass being added, what is going to happen to the force as mass is added.

2 Announcements- Vocab Quiz Friday 1/8 Frayer Model Vocab Due 1/8 before quiz If we are on task the rest of the week we will finish San Andreas after our quiz Friday

3 P Your Definition:Sentence: Picture: Definition: Plate Tectonics The theory that the lithosphere is Divided into tectonic plates that move around on tope of the asthenosphere Geologists study plate tectonics to find future stress points and earthquake zones

4 Convection Current The circular motion of liquids or gases caused by density difference that result from temperature differences. P

5 Satellite Image A photograph taken from a satellite in space

6 Topographic Map Shows the elevation of natural and artificial features of a region

7 Continental Drift Alfred Wegener’s hypothesis that the continents were once joined together, but broke and drifted apart P

8 Fault Displacement of rock layers in the Earth's crust in response to stress P

9 Ridge A long narrow hilltop or range of hills P

10 Plate Tectonics The theory hypothesized by Alfred Wegner that the lithosphere is divided into tectonic plates that move around on top of the asthenosphere P

11 Plate Boundary The region where two tectonic plates meet

12 Transform Boundary The boundary between two tectonic plates that are sliding past each other. P

13 Divergent Boundary The boundary between two tectonic plates that are moving away from each other. P

14 Mid-Ocean Ridges Huge underwater volcanic mountain ranges; where new crust is formed.

15 Sea-floor spreading The process in which new ocean floor forms from magma released at boundaries between two oceanic plates P

16 Convergent Boundary The boundary between two colliding tectonic plate. P

17 Subduction zone Region where one tectonic plate slides under another P

18 Trench A deep depression of the sea floor caused by the subduction of one plate under another P

19 Earthquake Shaking of Earth’s surface due to the movement of earth’s crust.

20 Volcano An opening in Earth’s surface through which magma is released

21 Pangaea The single, huge continent that existed 245 million years ago. P

22 Rift-Valley Formed when two continental plates move apart at a divergent boundary and new crust forms in the space between them P

23 Weathering The process by which water, ice, wind and heat act to break down rocks. P

24 Erosion The process by which wind, air, ice, and gravity remove and transport material from one place to another. P

25 Deposition The settling out or placement of rock, particles of rock, or organic matter, generally referred to as sediments, after transportation by wind, water, ice, or gravity. P

26 Interpret To give or provide the meaning of; explain; explicate; elucidate to conceive the significance of; construe. P

27 Relate To tell; give an account of, or describe in some detail P

28 Predict To state, tell about, or make known in advance, especially on the basis of special knowledge. P

29 Impact To have an immediate and strong effect on something or somebody P

30 Crustal Features Relating to or characteristic of the crust of the earth or moon P

31 A & C- Finish Definition:Your own Words: Sentence: Picture: Sea Floor Spreading

32 A& C Definition:Your Definition: Sentence Picture Plate Boundary

33 E: Word Wall  Complete using the word listed on your word wall strip.

34 Create a wordwall. Include the word, definition, and image. If you do not finish today complete for homework. Remember Quiz Friday

35 1/7/16 S- What is the action and reaction force in this situation? Intro to Plate Tectonics

36 YOU WILL COMPLETE THE LESSONS FILL IN THE BLANK HANDOUT. PAY CLOSE ATTENTION P: Plate Tectonic Interactive presentation C: Interactivity: Tectonic Trouble

37 PresentationQuiz Based on the presentation you just say we will take a quiz over what you has just seen.

38 S- Which of this models would be reactive and found on the left side of the Periodic Table? Explain why. 1/8/16----Vocab Quiz

39 PAC- Quiz Good Luck! When you finish turn in up front. Along with your Completed Frayer Model. We will grade in class

40 E-----Reward Weekend Homework Lesson 26 Due Mon 1/11.

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