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CENTENNIAL DECLARATION on the role of NGOs in Tuberculosis Control Dr. Maarten van Cleeff, Project Director TBCTA Keeping the Pledge Delhi, March 2003.

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Presentation on theme: "CENTENNIAL DECLARATION on the role of NGOs in Tuberculosis Control Dr. Maarten van Cleeff, Project Director TBCTA Keeping the Pledge Delhi, March 2003."— Presentation transcript:

1 CENTENNIAL DECLARATION on the role of NGOs in Tuberculosis Control Dr. Maarten van Cleeff, Project Director TBCTA Keeping the Pledge Delhi, March 2003

2 Harmony Partnership Balance Innovation Flexibility Cooperation Coordination






8 The declaration consist of 5 chapters:  notes of concern  notes of recognition  notes of affirmation  notes of own commitment  notes for partners to address DOTS requirements

9 1) We note with grave concern that  TB and TB/HIV affect economic development  1/3 patients has access to DOTS, and 40 to 50% are put on DOTS  Several countries enjoy DOTS expansion, many may not meet the 2005 target  TB is the single greatest cause of death among women, 0.75 million each year  Commitment by governments alone is not sufficient to address DOTS requirements

10 2) We recognize that  Achievements are made with creation of Stop TB Partnership (GDF, GLC) and GFATM  TB, a poverty disease needs a multisectoral approach  Successful DOTS can be attributed to NGOs  NGOs have potential to facilitate PPM initiatives  GFATM plays a vital role bringing together governments and NGOs in national CCMs  Communication/social mobilization are insufficient  Without advocacy political commitment diminishes

11 3) We affirm that  TB control is an integral part to poverty reduction  The DOTS strategy is THE strategy of choice  Poorly planned initiatives lead to MDR and waste of public and private funds  Collaboration of HIV/AIDS and TB programs have a positive impact on both diseases

12 4) We commit ourselves to  Support WHO 70%/85% 2005 targets and MDGs for 2015  Accelerate initiatives by NGO capacity-building  Use the motivation, experience and expertise within international TB-oriented NGOs  Stimulate collaborative TB/HIV initiatives  Coordinate and incorporate NGO activities into medium term development plans  Support participation of NGOs in inter agency coordinating committees and CCMs

13 5) We call upon partners to  Involve NGOs, coordinate to minimize overlap  Assure NGOs activities in the MTD plans  Strengthen national Stop TB partnerships  Recognize the vital complementary role of NGOs  Provide subsidies to support NGOs  Improve access in difficult-to-reach areas and groups where often NGOs work  Consolidate NGOs innovative practices and facilitate scaling up


15 Text for “Keeping the Pledge” NGOs must increase there TB involvement by aligning themselves closely with NTPs; accelerating initiatives to fight TB through: - Capacity building using experience and expertise of int. TB oriented NGOs to support foundation of local NGOs and enlist existing ones,enabling them to play a more proactive role - Civil society should expand participation, building greater sense of social commitment in TB movement

16 Thank you

17 Text for the New Delhi Declaration “Keeping the Pledge” We acknowledge the KNCV Centennial Declaration (December 2003) on the role of NGOs in TB control and encourage all partners to effectuate the recommendations on partnership, coordination, quality of services, innovation, communication and engagement.

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