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UTITE Using Today to Improve Tomorrow’s Earth. The Product Precision gantry cranes for colossal movements.

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Presentation on theme: "UTITE Using Today to Improve Tomorrow’s Earth. The Product Precision gantry cranes for colossal movements."— Presentation transcript:

1 UTITE Using Today to Improve Tomorrow’s Earth

2 The Product Precision gantry cranes for colossal movements

3 Description Dual hook forks braise from top and bottom. Cargo is lifted, rotated 180 degrees, and lowered for smaller machines to separate the stack.

4 Innovation at Work Easy linear motor system Stepping motor Automatic robotics Air compression condensate technology

5 The Game Changer Until now gantry trains are all modeled off a primitive design only allowed to pick up a single shipping container at a time. Our cranes will pick up stacks at a time.

6 The Mechanics Replacing pulleys with linear motors Adding adjustable counterweights Using stepping motors for time optimization Improving operation by removing human error Helping the environment with air treatment

7 The How THK Zebra Motoman Robotics AMT

8 Début At (IMTS)+ interactive website launch T.B.A.

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