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EA-ARC Status Summary ALMAJ-ARC-10010-A-REP East Asian ALMA Regional Center.

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Presentation on theme: "EA-ARC Status Summary ALMAJ-ARC-10010-A-REP East Asian ALMA Regional Center."— Presentation transcript:

1 EA-ARC Status Summary ALMAJ-ARC-10010-A-REP East Asian ALMA Regional Center

2 2010 Sep 6 EA ARC Review EA-ARC Status Summary 2 Contents Core Function Non-Core Function User Support Tool Status Matrix Staffing Plan Schedule Risk

3 Acronyms ARCALMA Regional Center CASACommon Astronomy Software Applications OTObserving Tool Ph1Phase 1 (proposal preparation) Ph2Phase 2 (observing program preparation) Ph1MPhase 1 Manager PRCProgram Review Committee PTProject Tracker QAQuality Assurance UPUser Portal 2010 Sep 6 EA ARC Review EA-ARC Status Summary 3

4 2010 Sep 6 EA ARC Review EA-ARC Status Summary 4 Proposal 準備 ( phase 1) プロポーザル審査 (科学審査・技術評 価) Program 準備 ( phase 2: SBs ) Long Term Queue Arcive (Chile) Pipeline? Observations Program FlowEA ARCEA Observer User Portal(UP) 作成 OT/CASASim 提供 Ph1 マニュアル作成 Phase1Manager 使用 OT 提供 Ph2 マニュアル作成 Mirror Archive 用意 QA3 CASA マニュアル作成 UP 登録 OTPh1 使用 CASASim 使用 OTPh2 使用 Project Tracker 使用 CASA 使用 プロポーザ ル作成提出 観測実行書 作成 データ 解析 QA0 QA1 QA2 観測状況 モニター 観測の流れ 赤字が観測者に関連する EAARC 提供ツール Helpdesk・F2FHelpdesk・F2F

5 2010 Sep 6 EA ARC Review EA-ARC Status Summary 5 EA-ARC -ユーザー支援コア機能 ALMA 共通のユーザー支援(コア機能) UserPortal サイトから以下の支援ツールを提供 –Observing Tool による Proposal 作成・投稿と観測プログラム (観測実行書)の作成 – ( Phase1Manager によるレフリー結果の投稿・集計) –Project Tracker による観測の状況モニター –Mirror Archive による観測データ・観測情報の提供・保存 – データ解析用 Offline data reduction Tool ( CASA )の提供 Helpdesk と face-to-face による上記ツールの利用支援 上記ツールのエンドユーザー向けマニュアル作成

6 2010 Sep 6 EA ARC Review EA-ARC Status Summary 6 EA-ARC -ユーザー支援ノンコア機能 (内容が ALMA 共通ではなく) EAARC 独自の機 能 Science Promotion – ユーザー層の拡大を図るための諸活動 – 学会、 ALMA ワークショップ、草の根的なプロモーション Meeting –ALMA Users Meeting –ALMA スクール 独自ツール – ラインカタログ – 輻射輸送計算ツールや画像認識ツール –CASA での 45m ・ ASTE 用機能 –Virtual Observatory 対応

7 Status Summary 1 2010 Sep 6 EA ARC Review EA-ARC Status Summary 7 IDItemDescriptionStatusRefer C1Proposal submission (OT Phase1) Pre-release Test 1 st integrated test with 7.1 done. 2 nd test is planned this August. ES-2.2 C2User SupportOn-goingES-2.2 FO-3 C3SB validation (OT Phase2) and project tracking Pre-release Test 1 st integrated test with 7.1 done. 2 nd test is planned this August. ES-3.3 C4User SupportNot yetES-3.3,3.4 FO-4 C5Proposal Review support & technical assessment (Phase1Manager) Pre-release Test 1 st integrated test with 7.1 done. 2 nd test is planned this August. ES-3.1 提供されるツールは太字で表示。 Refer は、他の報告書の章。

8 Status Summary 2 2010 Sep 6 EA ARC Review EA-ARC Status Summary 8 IDItemDescriptionStatusRefer C6User Portal and web page Hardware Under preparation C7 Software Under preparation C8 Pre-release Test Integrated test is planned this August. C9 User support Under preparationES-1.3 FO-2.2 C10 HelpdeskHardware NA machine for ES C11 Software Kayako is ready. C12 Pre-release Test Tested in 1 st and 2 nd integrated test C13 Triage Support Tested in 1 st and 2 nd integrated test ES-2.2,2.4 ES-3.3 ( 3.5 ) ES-4.5,4.6

9 Status Summary 3 2010 Sep 6 EA ARC Review EA-ARC Status Summary 9 IDItemDescriptionStatusRefer C14 ArchiveHardware Hardware for first ES is purchased with 120 TB storage. ES-4.1 C15 Software Science Archive is used at OSF and query is being implemented. ES-4.1 C16 User Test Not yet C17 Archive research support Not yetES-4.1 C18 Data Management Support Not yet

10 Status Summary 4 2010 Sep 6 EA ARC Review EA-ARC Status Summary 10 IDItemDescriptionStatusRefer C19 PipelineHardware Prototype hardware is installed. ES-4.2,4.3 C20 Software CASA is engine.ES-4.2,4.3 C21 User Test First one is June 2010. C22 Improved pipeline heuristics Not yet C23 Officially Sanctioned Data Reprocessing Not yet C24 Quality Assurance Quality Assurance 3 ES-4.4

11 Status Summary 5 2010 Sep 6 EA ARC Review EA-ARC Status Summary 11 IDItemDescriptionStatusRefer C25 Offline and Data reduction (CASA) User Test (simulator) Interferometery and single dish was tested. C26 User Test (interferometer) CSV uses CASA daily. C27 User Test (single- dish) Nobeyama team uses C28 Offline and data reduction helpdesk support Not yetES-4.5 C29 DocumentationEnd-user documents preparation Ph1 is almost ready. Ph2 is on-going. ES-2.3,3.2 ES-4.5 C30 End-user doc. revision Not yet

12 Status Summary 6 2010 Sep 6 EA ARC Review EA-ARC Status Summary 12 IDItemDescriptionStatusRefer C31 User support at ARC Hardware Rooms are ready. C32 Software ? C33 User F2F support Procedure is under preparation. ES-2.2,(2.4) ES-3.3,(3.5) C34 General regional support Telephone? TV/Skype? C35 Astronomer on Duty (CSV support) Astronomer on Duty support Regularly participated. C36 Travel to ARCsTravel to partner ARCs Not yet

13 Status Summary 7 2010 Sep 6 EA ARC Review EA-ARC Status Summary 13 IDItemDescriptionStatusRefer NC1 Virtual Observatory ASDM compatibility is investigated. NC2 日本語文書 for dummies Distributed NRO users meeting. ES-2.3 NC3 OT Cookbook Distributed NRO users meeting. ES-2.3,3.2 NC4 CASA Cookbook Under preparationES-4.5 NC5 CASA single dish (45m/ASTE) Software Requirement is defined.?? NC6 User Test On-going with NRO group NC7 Science PromotionALMA WS/ Individual visit On-goingES-1.1 FO-2.1

14 Status Summary 8 2010 Sep 6 EA ARC Review EA-ARC Status Summary 14 IDItemDescriptionStatusRefer NC8 TutorialsOT Phase 1 Basic course done and planned this fall followed by advance course. ES-1.2,(2.2) FO-2.2 NC9 OT Phase 2 Not yet(ES-3.3) NC10 CASA simulator Basic was done.ES-1.2 FO-2.2 NC11 CASA data analysis Not yet.(ES-4.5) FO-2.2 NC12 Users Meeting 1 st meeting was held in 2009. 2 nd planned Jan. 2011. ES-1.4 NC13 Enhanced Archive Not well defined. NC14 Schools for students This winter?

15 EA-ARC Staffing 2010 Sep 6 EA ARC Review EA-ARC Status Summary 15 Manager: Okumura Project Scientist: Saito Astronomer: Tachihara (until 8/1)=>new one (from 12/1) Astronomer: Saigo Astronomer (PostDoc): Higuchi Secretary: Yamazaki Web developer: Sakuma Operation-Computing: Lead Kosugi (UP/Helpdesk/Archieve) Yatagai,E.Morita,Panta and contracters

16 Staffing Plan (コア機能 ) 2010 Sep 6 EA ARC Review EA-ARC Status Summary 16 Scientific staff 不足分 Technical staff は必要人数が満たされている。


18 Schedule << DSO/ARC の想定>> 運用 Early Science: Routine ( Full): 2010 2011 2012 2013 Jan July Jan July Jan July Jan 建設 6ant. interferometer 50ant. Interferometer including ACA 現在

19 Risk 2010 Sep 6 EA ARC Review EA-ARC Status Summary 19 最初の ES 締め切りをサポートする support astronomers が少ない( 2010 年度の人数)ため、直 前に多くの問い合わせに一度に答えることが難しい。 同様に、ユーザーサポートソフトウエアの不具合や 機能不足が予想以上に多いと、サポート体制が問題 となる。 Most support astronomers are not tenure track. ( 人員の入れ替わりが起こる確率が大きい ?! )

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