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HEART-LUNG TRANSPLANTATION Pediatric Recipients 2015 JHLT. 2015 Oct; 34(10): 1255-1263.

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Presentation on theme: "HEART-LUNG TRANSPLANTATION Pediatric Recipients 2015 JHLT. 2015 Oct; 34(10): 1255-1263."— Presentation transcript:

1 HEART-LUNG TRANSPLANTATION Pediatric Recipients 2015 JHLT. 2015 Oct; 34(10): 1255-1263

2 Table of Contents  Donor, recipient and center characteristics: slides 3-15  Post transplant – survival and other outcomes: slides 16-22  Early Graft Failure (EGF): slides 23-24 JHLT. 2014 Oct; 33(10): 1025-1033 2015 JHLT. 2015 Oct; 34(10): 1255-1263

3 Donor, Recipient and Center Characteristics JHLT. 2014 Oct; 33(10): 1025-1033 2015 JHLT. 2015 Oct; 34(10): 1255-1263

4 Pediatric Heart-Lung Transplants Recipient Age Distribution (Transplants: January 1985 – June 2014) JHLT. 2014 Oct; 33(10): 1025-1033 2015 JHLT. 2015 Oct; 34(10): 1255-1263

5 Pediatric Heart-Lung Transplants Donor Age Distribution (Transplants: January 1985 – June 2014) JHLT. 2014 Oct; 33(10): 1025-1033 2015 JHLT. 2015 Oct; 34(10): 1255-1263

6 Pediatric Heart-Lung Transplants Age Distribution by Year NOTE: This figure includes only the heart-lung transplants that are reported to the ISHLT Transplant Registry. As such, this should not be construed as evidence that the number of pediatric heart-lung transplants worldwide has declined in recent years. JHLT. 2014 Oct; 33(10): 1025-1033 2015 JHLT. 2015 Oct; 34(10): 1255-1263

7 Pediatric Heart-Lung Retransplants by Year of Retransplant Only patients who were less than 18 years old at the time of retransplant are included. JHLT. 2014 Oct; 33(10): 1025-1033 2015 JHLT. 2015 Oct; 34(10): 1255-1263

8 Pediatric Heart-Lung Retransplants (Retransplants: January 1985 – June 2014) Analysis includes deceased and living donor transplants. JHLT. 2014 Oct; 33(10): 1025-1033 2015 JHLT. 2015 Oct; 34(10): 1255-1263

9 Pediatric Heart-Lung Transplants Age Distribution by Era of Transplant JHLT. 2014 Oct; 33(10): 1025-1033 2015 JHLT. 2015 Oct; 34(10): 1255-1263

10 Pediatric Heart-Lung Transplants Number of Centers Reporting Transplants by Location (Transplants: January 1984 – December 2013) JHLT. 2014 Oct; 33(10): 1025-1033 2015 JHLT. 2015 Oct; 34(10): 1255-1263

11 Pediatric Heart-Lung Transplants Number of Centers Reporting Transplants by Center Volume JHLT. 2014 Oct; 33(10): 1025-1033 2015 JHLT. 2015 Oct; 34(10): 1255-1263

12 Pediatric Heart-Lung Transplants Diagnosis Distribution (Transplants: January 1986 – December 2013) NOTE: Unknown diagnoses were excluded from this tabulation. “Other” includes Bronchiectasis, Alpha-1, and OB (non-Retx). For some retransplants, a diagnosis other than retransplant is reported, so the total percentage of retransplants may be greater. JHLT. 2014 Oct; 33(10): 1025-1033 2015 JHLT. 2015 Oct; 34(10): 1255-1263

13 Pediatric Heart-Lung Transplants Age Distribution by Location ( Transplants: January 2000 – June 2014) JHLT. 2014 Oct; 33(10): 1025-1033 2015 JHLT. 2015 Oct; 34(10): 1255-1263

14 Pediatric Heart-Lung Transplants Diagnosis Distribution by Location ( Transplants: January 2000 – June 2014) JHLT. 2014 Oct; 33(10): 1025-1033 2015 JHLT. 2015 Oct; 34(10): 1255-1263

15 Pediatric Heart-Lung Transplants Donor Age Distribution by Location ( Transplants: January 2000 – June 2014) JHLT. 2014 Oct; 33(10): 1025-1033 2015 JHLT. 2015 Oct; 34(10): 1255-1263

16 Post Transplant: Survival and Other Outcomes JHLT. 2014 Oct; 33(10): 1025-1033 2015 JHLT. 2015 Oct; 34(10): 1255-1263

17 Pediatric Heart-Lung Transplants Kaplan-Meier Survival by Diagnosis (Transplants: January 1990 – June 2013) JHLT. 2014 Oct; 33(10): 1025-1033 2015 JHLT. 2015 Oct; 34(10): 1255-1263

18 Pediatric Heart-Lung Transplants Kaplan-Meier Survival by Age Group (Transplants: January 1982 – June 2013) JHLT. 2014 Oct; 33(10): 1025-1033 2015 JHLT. 2015 Oct; 34(10): 1255-1263

19 Pediatric Heart-Lung Transplants Kaplan-Meier Survival by Era (Transplants: January 1985 – June 2013) JHLT. 2014 Oct; 33(10): 1025-1033 2015 JHLT. 2015 Oct; 34(10): 1255-1263

20 Pediatric Heart-Lung Transplants Kaplan-Meier Survival by Era Conditional on Survival to 1 Year (Transplants: January 1985 – June 2013) JHLT. 2014 Oct; 33(10): 1025-1033 2015 JHLT. 2015 Oct; 34(10): 1255-1263

21 Pediatric Heart-Lung Transplants Cause of Death (Deaths: January 2000 – June 2014) CAUSE OF DEATH 0-30 Days (N = 26) 31 Days - 1 Year (N = 19) >1 Year - 3 Years (N = 24) >3 Years - 5 Years (N = 13) >5 Years (N = 53) BRONCHIOLITIS0010 (41.7%)4 (30.8%)12 (22.6%) ACUTE REJECTION2 (7.7%)01 (4.2%)1 (7.7%)1 (1.9%) LYMPHOMA01 (5.3%)01 (7.7%)0 MALIGNANCY, OTHER01 (5.3%)1 (4.2%)02 (3.8%) CMV2 (7.7%)5 (26.3%)1 (4.2%)2 (15.4%)12 (22.6%) INFECTION, NON-CMV6 (23.1%)2 (10.5%)7 (29.2%)3 (23.1%)10 (18.9%) GRAFT FAILURE2 (7.7%)1 (5.3%)2 (8.3%)1 (7.7%)6 (11.3%) CARDIOVASCULAR6 (23.1%)0000 TECHNICAL8 (30.8%)9 (47.4%)2 (8.3%)1 (7.7%)10 (18.9%) OTHER0010 (41.7%)4 (30.8%)12 (22.6%) JHLT. 2014 Oct; 33(10): 1025-1033 2015 JHLT. 2015 Oct; 34(10): 1255-1263

22 Pediatric Heart-Lung Transplants Relative Incidence of Leading Causes of Death (Deaths: January 2000 – June 2014) JHLT. 2014 Oct; 33(10): 1025-1033 2015 JHLT. 2015 Oct; 34(10): 1255-1263

23 Early Graft Failure (EGF) 2015 JHLT. 2015 Oct; 34(10): 1255-1263

24 Pediatric Heart-Lung Transplants Number of Transplants by Status at 30 Days (Primary Transplants: January 2005 – December 2013) JHLT. 2014 Oct; 33(10): 1025-1033 2015 * Non-EGF early failures include non-EGF retransplants and deaths within 30 days JHLT. 2015 Oct; 34(10): 1255-1263

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