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Objectives Objectives : To learn about the risks to health of sun exposure.

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Presentation on theme: "Objectives Objectives : To learn about the risks to health of sun exposure."— Presentation transcript:

1 Objectives Objectives : To learn about the risks to health of sun exposure

2 Where are you heading off on your Summer holiday ?

3 Sunshine quiz Answer by True or False. Try to explain your answer

4 1. The hotter the sun feels, the more likely you are to get burnt. 2. Sunburn becomes obvious one hour after exposure. False  It is sunlight, not heat, that matters. There could be a cool wind but a strong sun. False  It takes 6 to 8 hours to become noticeable.

5 3. The worst time to sunbathe unprotected is between 10am and 2pm. 4. Regular sun tanning keeps you looking younger. True That’s when the sun is strongest. False  Sun exposure causes premature ageing.

6 5. Sunburn can be associated with headache, shivering, nausea and vomiting. 6. Both length of exposure and the time of exposure are important for sun burning. True Headache, shivering, nausea and vomiting are signs of “sunstroke”. True

7 7. Clothes completely protect you from sun burning. 8. Sunglasses are for cosmetic effect and comfort only. False  Thin clothes allow some sun to penetrate. False  They can also help protect the eyes from sun damage.

8 9. You are unlikely to get sun burnt if you have freckles. 10. Sunbathing by the seaside is worse than snowboarding for sunburn. False  People with fair skin, freckles, red or ginger hair are more at risk of sun burning. Presuming the strength of sun and clothing are equivalent, snow reflects light more.

9 11. Splashing yourself with water reduces the risk of sunburn. 12. It is possible to get burnt in the shade. False  It makes it more likely. True Especially from reflected sunlight, e.g. on sand or snow.

10 Aged skin – looks ugly Burned skin – very painful Cancer – can be fatal

11 The key to a long and healthy life is simply to take a short stroll in the sunshine. Just getting out in the sun for a small period several times a week can help us live longer as our bodies benefit from increased doses of vitamin D. Sunshine key to long life

12 The benefits of Vitamin D Too much sun causes skin cancer, but a 15 minute-burst, three times a week might be just the tonic to boost health

13 1. Sunshine boots vitamin D levels helping protect bones against osteoporosis (abnormal loss of bony tissue resulting in fragile porous bones due to a lack of calcium) and fractures. 2. It can also ward winter blues known as Seasonal Affective Disorder or SAD.

14 3. Sun exposure can reduce risk of heart disease and cancer probably through its ability to boost vitamin D. 4. Recent studies have shown it may help protect against multiple sclerosis, because vitamin D has an anti-inflammatory effect. 5. Mums-to be are urged to get some sunshine to ensure babies don’t have vitamin D deficiency and rickets.

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