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New Kingdom Egypt Ch. 2 (p. 63 – 66). New Kingdom Egypt  Egyptian Middle Kingdom declined in 17 th century B.C.E. –Central authority broke down  High.

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Presentation on theme: "New Kingdom Egypt Ch. 2 (p. 63 – 66). New Kingdom Egypt  Egyptian Middle Kingdom declined in 17 th century B.C.E. –Central authority broke down  High."— Presentation transcript:

1 New Kingdom Egypt Ch. 2 (p. 63 – 66)

2 New Kingdom Egypt  Egyptian Middle Kingdom declined in 17 th century B.C.E. –Central authority broke down  High level officials on countryside became independent  New groups migrated into Nile Delta –Political fragmentation –Economic decline

3 New Kingdom Egypt  1640 B.C.E., Egypt comes under foreign rule for 1 st time –Hyksos “Princes of Foreign Lands”  Uncertain how they came to power  Possessed advanced military technologies –Horse-drawn war chariot –Composite bow (made of wood & horn)  Intermarried w/ Egyptians –Assimilated to Egyptian ways  Used Egyptian language

4 New Kingdom Egypt  After 30 years of war, Kamose & Ahmose (princes from Thebes) expel Hyksos & regain native control of Egypt –New Kingdom = 1532 – 1070 B.C.E.  Aggressive & expansionist –Extended kingdom N to Syria & S to Nubia –Found access to timber, gold, & copper –Collected taxes & tribute


6 New Kingdom Egypt  Period of Innovation –Expansion of trade  Exotic fruits & vegetables  New musical instruments  Improved potter’s wheel & weaver’s loom

7 New Kingdom Egypt  Queen Hatshepsut = took throne after husband died in 1473 B.C.E. –Referred to herself as a male – Expanded trade down Red Sea to “Punt”  Brought many luxury items to Egypt (ebony, cosmetics, ivory, etc.) –After her death, her monuments were defaced by those who had opposed having a woman as a ruler

8 New Kingdom Egypt  Amenhotep IV = ruled 1353 – 1335 B.C.E. –Referred to self as Akhenaten “beneficial to the Aten” (disk of the sun)  Wanted to spread belief that Aten was supreme deity  Some scholars credit him w/ development of monotheism (belief in 1 god) –Built new capital at Amarna  Moved back to Thebes after his death

9 New Kingdom Egypt  1323 B.C.E., general Haremhab seizes throne & establishes Ramessides Dynasty –Ramesses II (“the great”) = greatest monarch  Ruled 1290 - 1224 B.C.E. –Undertook monumental building projects all over Egypt –Lived into nineties –Had many wives and children (over 100!)


11 Commerce and Communication  1284, Ramesses II fought battle against Hittites (people from central Anatolia) –Draw  Treaty (to secure trade) –Strengthened by Ramesses marriage to Hittite princess

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