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PROTECTFP6-036425 Recommendations of Work Package 1 David Copplestone.

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Presentation on theme: "PROTECTFP6-036425 Recommendations of Work Package 1 David Copplestone."— Presentation transcript:

1 PROTECTFP6-036425 Recommendations of Work Package 1 David Copplestone

2 PROTECTFP6-036425 Objective of WP1 Was to consult widely with industry and regulators to review regulatory approaches to chemical and radioactive substances. Our emphasis was on: Regulatory instruments Procedures Underlying principles Criteria What is on the horizon (policy development)?

3 PROTECTFP6-036425 Interaction with other workpackages. WP 1:Environmental Protection Concepts WP2: Assessment approaches: practicality, relevance and merits WP3: Requirements for protection of the environment from Ionising radiation. WP4: Management

4 PROTECTFP6-036425 How the WP is being undertaken The workpackage was undertaken in two parts: 1)Information gathering (questionnaires, face to face, phone calls, website review) 2)Review of the information to identify similarities and differences in how chemicals and radioactive substances are regulated Included assessment of relevant ecological and biological endpoints of protection

5 PROTECTFP6-036425 Responses received

6 PROTECTFP6-036425 50 responses from 130 questionnaires broken down as:

7 PROTECTFP6-036425 Of 18 regulators, 15 state they regulate to protect the environment Most rely on ICRP statement if man is protected…

8 PROTECTFP6-036425 Recommendations from WP1

9 PROTECTFP6-036425 Regulation PROTECT should not treat TeNORM differently to other radioactive substances (WP3) Emphasis on the positive benefits of regulation for the nuclear and non-nuclear sectors are being able to demonstrate that they are behaving in an appropriate and responsible manner especially in in terms of large scale environmental issues such as climate change (G) Optimisation of discharges should remain central to environmental/human radiological protection (G) Harmonise future international guidelines and recommendations (G)

10 PROTECTFP6-036425 Protection Goals Protection should focus on the population level although rare or endangered species should be explicitly considered in the exposure modelling (WP3) Protection goals should be translated into measurable targets and advice provided on tolerable risks associated with these endpoints (WP3) Develop similarities between radiological protection and chemicals assessment processes. There are some technical differences but the underlying protection goals are identical (WP3) PROTECT should try to work together with the IAEA and the ICRP (G)

11 PROTECTFP6-036425 Assessment Methods PROTECT should consider the following approaches to assessing radiological risks to biota (WP2) –R&D 128 –ERICA –RESRAD –Other approaches as identified within the IAEA EMRAS programme –ICRP approach

12 PROTECTFP6-036425 Risk Characterisation - methods PROTECT should consider (WP3) –Literature values (expert judgement) –Assessment Factor approach –Species Sensitivity Distribution approach –Use of background levels PROTECT should focus on SSD and AF approaches to determine benchmark dose rates based on agreed tolerable risks. The use of expert judgement should be avoided where possible (WP3) The level of conservatism in the benchmark should be identified and recorded (WP3)

13 PROTECTFP6-036425 Risk Characterisation - benchmarks PROTECT should assess the use of the numeric values currently being applied or suggested (WP2) PROTECT should consider the use of a screening value (WP3) PROTECT should consider the need for a standard number (i.e. an equivalent to the 1 mSv for public) (WP3) –What are the advantages and disadvantages of having a screening level and a standard? –Advice will be needed if either a screening level or a standard is exceeded (WP3) PROTECT should produce a clearly understandable document outlining the derivation and limitations. This document should be developed in consultation with stakeholders (WP3)

14 PROTECTFP6-036425 Compliance Methods for demonstrating compliance should be evaluated (bearing in mind the use of any identified threshold(s) for example, if used as a regulatory limit then clear strong compliance will be needed)

15 PROTECTFP6-036425 Improving the process We should continue to communicate in an open and transparent manner with clear documentation

16 PROTECTFP6-036425 Summary Successful consultation process Number of recommendations made Recommendations now being considered in WP2 and WP3 Further details available in D3

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