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A Kelvin Grove guide to success!! Some material adapted from QUT Guide to Editing and Proofreading

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1 A Kelvin Grove guide to success!! Some material adapted from QUT Guide to Editing and Proofreading

2 Here at Kelvin Grove, all students are required to submit a draft before the final copy of their assessment. Most students do a spectacular job, but sometimes students hand in a fairly poor effort and expect the teacher to do the proofreading and editing for them. THIS IS A HUGE MISTAKE!  At QCS time, you are on your own! So, you need to have learnt the skills for proofreading and editing before then! This will be beneficial across all subjects and all year levels in Secondary School, and builds on your skills from Primary School. SCHOOL POLICY

3 Here are some handy hints for editing and proofreading your assignments.


5 1. Re-read -Your assignment sheet - Your criteria sheet -Other information from your teacher 2. Check that you have specifically answered the question and completed all aspects of the task. Eg evidence statements, sourcing, bibliography. First Steps in EDITING AND PROOFREADING



8 The points in the body of your assignment should be summarised. Repeat the main point of the assignment. Restate your thesis. CONCLUSION



11 Low Modality statements are conclusions that are not absolute and therefore are not as easy to disprove. Low modality statements tend to use words such as ‘it may be…’, ‘it indicates that…’, ‘it could be concluded that…’ EG. “Today everyone uses their credit card for all their shopping”. OR “Many people in society use credit cards for much of their shopping” USE OF MODALITY


13 Do not be afraid to read your assignment out loud. If it doesn’t sound right, then it probably isn’t. Even in exam conditions, you should read your essay to yourself. You do not need to read it aloud, however you should actually mouth each word. MOST IMPORTANTLY…

14 Questions: Do my sentences contain only one idea? Are they too long and complicated? A sentence should only have one point. Try not to have a sentence that runs for more than two or three lines. If it is too long, divide it into more than one sentence. SENTENCE TYPES




18 AND REMEMBER…      Get it? (Proofread and check spelling here) Get it? (Proofread and check spelling here)

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